Episcopal Letter:
"The needs are great, but God is greater"
To the people of the Holston Conference:
I send to you grace and peace from God our Creator, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter.
I join with you in our concern for the people of the Gulf Coast, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi as they attempt to recover from the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina. We are still unsure of the extent of the damages to people, property, animals, and even the environment. The effects of this hurricane will be felt for years to come. And the needs are so great that we realize it will take a God-sized effort to be effective in bringing not only short-term relief but long-term relief that will ensure that the people are back on their feet.
I am already overjoyed at the response of the people of the Holston Conference. We have already organized response teams, many congregations and individuals have already collected and sent to UMCOR monies, flood buckets have already been shipped and many are being collected, medical kits are being prepared, food, clothing, and toiletry items are being collected. Churches that wish to help with evacuees are urged to contact the Red Cross for instructions and requirements to be eligible to host people in their churches or be volunteers at shelters.
I trust that everyone in the Holston Conference will participate in some way to ease the suffering and sense of loss that the people of the Gulf Coast are experiencing. I have listed above the various ways you can be of assistance, from medical kits to cash donations, from flood buckets to volunteering in a shelter, from manning a collection point to joining a Volunteers in Missions Team when we are allowed to go in, from preparing meals to providing clothing any of this and more will be of a tremendous help to Katrina's victims.
We must be in this for the long haul. Many of these people may not return to their homes but choose to remain in communities to which they were evacuated. There will be a tremendous need for housing, education of children, a new church group to lean on, food, and so much more.
The Conference will do all we can to keep you abreast of relief efforts, information, and ways you can be helpful. Our website will continue to post much-needed information as we receive it.
The needs are great but remember our God is greater than any need we have. I want to personally thank all of you for demonstrating compassion and Christian charity.
Yours in Christ,

James E. Swanson, Sr.
Resident Bishop, Holston Episcopal Area
September 6, 2005