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Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs:

Wednesday on the Web
WEDNESDAY ON THE WEB … How to get the media to cover your church event? 5 tips from a public relations expert. @

SUNDAY CALL is Available for August 10 Bulletins
Click Here

Job Opportunities Posted Online

Seniors With Paintbrushes: Come on Down
New Clinic for Kids’ Choir Leaders
Youth: Explore Your Call to Ministry
Emory & Henry’s Free ‘Sports Day’ for Girls
What's on Your Schedule for 2004?
Wanted: More Participants for Peacemaker Camp
Move Over, Jerry Lewis
Gay Bishop: Who Said That?

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Seniors With Paintbrushes: This Trip’s For You

The conference’s second Older Adult Mission Trip is scheduled for Oct. 20-24 at Camp Lookout in Rising Fawn, Ga. Work projects will focus on Lookout Lodge and include activities such as replacing wood siding, replacing sheetrock, and painting. For more information, contact the Connectional Ministries Office at <> or (865) 690-4080.

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Tra-La-La: Clinic for Kids’ Choir Leaders

“Young Spirits Sing and Move: A Holston Conference Choir Clinic” is schedule for Saturday, Sept. 13, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at First Oak Ridge UMC. Led by Nancy Anderson, the clinic is designed for volunteer and professional leaders of children’s choirs and for persons interested in beginning children’s choirs. Early-bird registration is $30 per person before Sept. 3. Download the brochure at, or contact Anita Henderlight at or (865) 690-4080.

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Youth: Explore Your Call to Ministry

Holston Conference youth have been invited to participate in an Exploration 2003 event with the Western North Carolina and North Carolina Conferences in Asheboro, N.C., this October. For more information, contact Youth Coordinator Dan Gray at or (423) 928-2156.

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E&H Sponsors Free ‘Sports Day’ for Girls

Girls in elementary and middle school are invited to spend Sunday, Sept. 7, at Emory & Henry improving their skills in their favorite sports. The 7th Annual All Sports Day for Girls features free sessions in basketball, soccer, softball, tennis and volleyball, led by E&H women athletes. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. in King Athletic Center. For more information, call (276) 944-6233 or (276) 94-6238.

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What's on Your Schedule for 2004?

It's time to plan for the 2004 conference calendar! If you want your group's meeting or event to be included on the calendar, email information to Anne Travis or Donna Hankins or call (865) 690-4080.
Deadline for receiving calendar information is Aug. 30.

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Wanted: Participants at Peacemaker U

The Peace with Justice Committee is sponsoring an Aug. 22-24 camp for youth ages 15-18 at Camp Buffalo Mountain in Jonesborough, Tenn. “Peacemaker U” is designed to promote effective ways to address conflict in our communities, nation and world. Additional participants are needed by the Aug. 15 registration deadline. For more information, contact Greta Smith or (865) 984-5146.

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Move Over, Jerry Lewis

On Oct. 12, the General Board of Global Ministries will broadcast its first mission telethon, "In Mission Together for Christ and the World." The show begins at 7:30 p.m. in Ryman Auditorium (the first home of the Grand Ol' Opry), Nashville, Tenn. The Holston Conference missions office seeks volunteers who wish to participate in the telethon. For more information, contact Bill Daugherty (email) or (865) 690-4080.

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Who Said That?

"I am proud to be in a church which works to be a safe place for all of God’s children.”
–Gene Robinson, after being elected the Episcopal Church’s first openly gay bishop on Aug. 5.

“People are grieving because they love God and love their church and desperately did not want to see the church move in this direction.”
– Bruce Mason, spokesperson for the American Anglican Council, protesting the election’s results.


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