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July 16, 2005

Winning at all cost

I remember growing up in my hometown of Houston, TX in the Studewood Community. My friends and I played a lot of Sand Lot football and baseball during those days. I always wanted to win and boy did I play hard and did all I could to win. My mother was a person who believed in "playing fair." She once discovered that I would argue and sometimes almost come to blows when I was thrown out in baseball. She made me stop playing for a week and to think about how much more important it is to play fair than to seek to win by "any means necessary".
I believe that many in our society today could benefit from a world wide "timeout" to think how we interact as we compete. It is so depressing to me when I see Christians who remind me of my childish behavior of "winning at all cost". Christians must never forget that God expects us to be Christ-like not only in the choices we support but also in how we behave while making our positions known. I offer the following examples. It is right for us to debate our positions with others but it is wrong for us to injure others to get our way. It is right for us to campaign for the person we want to elect to a particular office but it is wrong to destroy our opponent's advertisements and to use false and misleading information to discredit those we oppose. Momma was right play the game and have fun but realize that your main calling is not to win but to be Christ-like.

Posted by Bishop at July 16, 2005 09:01 AM
