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April 03, 2007

Unpredictable Change

I understand from the Weather Report this morning that winter is not ready to leave us. The report is that we will experience dramatically colder temperatures. The temperature will be dropping from the high 70s to the possible the 20s this Easter Weekend. There is very little in life that is predictable. I remember watching my cousin Helena bake a cake. She did everything just right and placed it in the oven to bake. But her brother made the cake fall. It was an ugly site of a cake but the cake sure tasted good to me. Sometimes what looks like a bad situation turns out all right and sometimes what looks good turns out wrong. It is a person’s ability to adjust to circumstances and the inconsistence of life that often determines success or failure. You can not guard against all the adversities of life but you can learn not to let your reaction to those uncontrollable events be apart of the problem. You can learn to place those things in the hands of God who has declared that we are loved either protect us, deliver us or give us internal and external resources to not only survive but to thrive.

Posted by Bishop at April 3, 2007 02:53 PM
