
Save on postage/paper and urge your congregation to access church news and calendars online.

Streaming audio or video of sermons - make text version available as well for printing.

Daily/weekly devotions and Bible studies tied to the theme of the sermon.

Provide online sermon discussion forum.

On-line teaching via discussion forum

Prayer requests posted online or emailed.

Schedule live chat with missionary in the field.

Provide forum for college bound youth. Keeps them in contact with home church and Christian friends.

Youth enjoy online discussion forums about Christian bands and music.

Post art and stories provided by children. Link to online Bible games/stories for children - tie to theme of their classes.

Full-featured online community is possible. Birthdays, meeting times, post prayer requests and praises, testimonies, hobbies, etc.

Family support/parenting forums.

Schedule nursery duty and ushers, etc. with online automation.

Accept online offerings via credit card or

Provide information for unchurched. UM beliefs, plan of salvation, apologetics, answers to common questions, etc.

Provide staff listing.

Provide Worship times.

Provide map/directions to your church building.

Have broken links on your site.

Have a slow loading site.

Go live until you've tested it in several browsers PC and Mac.

Require plug-in downloads.

Have hymn playing on home page.