How Holston's Growing Churches Employ Technology - Part 6

(Part 1) statistics on general technology use in churches
(Part 2) statistics on local demographics
(Part 3) senior pastor demographics
(Part 4) senior pastor use of e-mail
(Part 5) senior pastor use of the Internet

We complete this report on technology/Internet use among our conference's growing churches. Dr. Brian Burch completed his dissertation this past year with
a focus on technology/Internet use in Holston. 85.7% of our highest growth churches responded to his survey.

Wednesday on the Web continues this series to introduce findings from Dr. Burch's research. What do these statistics mean for your outreach to potential members?

This week covers
local church web sites in our high growth churches.

How long has your congregation had a web site?

18.1%  Less than one year
20.8%  1-2 years
22.2%  2-3 years
22.2%  3-4 years
16.7%  More than five years

Which of the following does your church Web site contain?

84.7% Encouraging visitors to attend (providing directions, special sections for potential visitors, etc.)
65.3% Post photos of congregational events
62.5% Publish schedules, meeting minutes, building plans, or other internal communications of the congregation
61.1% Provide youth group material and activities
37.5% Post Newsletters
36.1% Promote missionary/evangelical work
26.4% Provide a space to post or respond to prayer needs
11.1% Allow members to sign up for classes or programs
8.3% Provide Web casts of services, ceremonies, or rites
1.4% Provide live, online discussion space for study or prayer groups

How many people do you know in the past year who have visited your church Web site before visiting your church?

36.9%  None
6.2% 1
21.5% 2 to 5
7.7% 6 to 10
27.7% More than 10

Which of these statements describe your church Web site?

77.8% Written to be understood by churched and unchurched
62.5% Gives a clear, clean, professional image
55.6% Articles written in short quick format
50.0% Pages load quickly, no multimedia shows
38.9% Is well-maintained and up-to-date

In terms of helping your church grow, your church Web site is effective.

9.9% Strongly agree
31.0% Agree
42.3% Neutral
8.5% Disagree
8.5% Strongly disagree

In terms of supporting current church members, your church Web site is effective.

11.4% Strongly agree
48.6% Agree
21.4% Neutral
12.9% Disagree
5.7% Strongly disagree

Our congregation continues actively to maintain a Web site because we want to provide information about church activities to members.

18.6% Strongly agree
50.0% Agree
17.1% Neutral
7.1% Disagree
7.1% Strongly disagree

Our congregation continues actively to maintain a Web site because we want to keep the congregation updated constantly about prayer concerns. (Note--several surveys included notes from pastors saying that HIPAA laws affect this use of the Web)

10.0% Strongly agree
24.3% Agree
30.0% Neutral
27.1% Disagree
8.6% Strongly disagree

Our congregation continues actively to maintain a Web site because we want to stay culturally relevant.

24.3% Strongly agree
52.9% Agree
10.0% Neutral
7.1% Disagree
5.7% Strongly disagree

Our congregation continues to actively maintain a Web site because we want to share the good new of Jesus.

50.0% Strongly agree
37.1% Agree
7.1% Neutral
1.4% Disagree
4.3% Strongly disagree

Our congregation continues actively to maintain a Web site because we want to provide information about own church to nonmembers.

51.4% Strongly agree
44.3% Agree
1.4% Neutral
0.0% Disagree
2.9% Strongly disagree

We hope this series has been helpful. You may wan to also checkout our review of the Top 5 Web sites in Holston.

Dr. Burch is pastor of Rural Retreat UMC and Mt Olive UMC in the Wytheville District.


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