Faith in a Jar: What Would Yours Look Like?

From Youth at Fairgarden Circuit

Can you put your faith in a jar? Think about it – your faith. Can it be contained in a jar? Whether you answered yes or no, we were asked to do this. Our youth leaders, Ron Nagell and Gale Change, gave us this task.

The project got us thinking. We examined our faith, tried to figure out what would represent our faith, and had to place it in a jar. Easy? We thought so. Our jars sat empty for the first several days. But the more we talked to each other and to other people, ideas started flowing.

No two jars were the same. Some started with the same concept but different methods or objects were used to make a point. In the same way that people are diverse, our jars were diverse. Each maker’s personality shown brightly in his or her jar but never overshadowed the faith displayed inside.

Here are some examples of how we demonstrated faith in a jar.

* Gale Chance: His jar had painted valleys, mountains, flowers, sky, and streams. This represented that, as you get older, you’re faced with deeper valleys, steeper mountains, and wider streams. Once you have traveled through all of this and reach the mountaintop, you’ll realize that Christ is with you all the way. The rock on the inside of Gale’s jar demonstrated that his faith is solid as a rock. However, the rock was chipped to show that sometimes, life can chip away at faith.

*Reanon Chambers: Her jar contained the long-lasting candy, Gob Stoppers, along with a flower, representing that her faith was everlasting and growing like a flower.

*Bethany Ellingwood: Her jar was filled with Orbit Gum and rocks and had flowers painted on the outside. The flowers showed that Bethany’s faith is growing. The gum showed her faith was refreshing. The rocks showed her faith was strong and sturdy.

*Lauren Maides: Her jar was decorated with angels. She said, “My faith is in the angels in heaven.”

*Harrison Chambers: His jar contained a rock and paper clip. Harrison’s faith is as sturdy as a rock and cannot be destroyed. The paper clip demonstrates that his faith holds everything together.

*Joel Chambers: The small apple tree inside of Joel’s jar shows that his faith is growing and will bear fruit when it is mature enough. At that time, Joel will be able to share this fruit with others.

*Logan Maides: His jar had a cactus planted inside, showing that his faith is growing and will survive in harsh conditions.

Can you place your faith in a jar? It’s not impossible; try! But remember, your faith doesn’t do any good if it’s placed in a jar on a shelf. Faith is meant to be shared with others – and it is meant to always be growing.

Fairgarden Circuit includes Cedar Bluff, Eden and Fox United Methodist Churches and is located in the Maryville District.


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