Eight things you might be wasting your energy on

Meetings and traffic are notorious for wearing us out. But how many emotional issues end up draining away the energy you need to do good ministry? Here, Holston’s pastoral counselor lists useless activities that might take you away from what’s important.

By Gary Mauldin

1. Trying to solve someone else's problem that only they can solve.

2. Trying to make an unhappy person happy. It is good to remember that we are not God.

3. Not forgiving someone who has hurt us – because we want them to hurt like we have been hurt, or because we fear they may hurt us again.

4. Getting revenge.

5. Expecting and demanding perfection in others while being quite satisfied with our own normality.

6. Trying to control another person, group or congregation. We forget leadership is about how we influence others and not how we control them. Leadership is action and not position.

7. Being afraid to disclose ourselves to others out of fear that we might be rejected.

8. Attempting to portray ourselves as someone that we’re not – when we’re wonderful just as we are.

The Rev. Gary R. Mauldin, Ph.D. is available at the Holston Conference Pastoral Counseling Center, P.O. Box 11328, Knoxville, TN 37939-1328. Cell: (865) 805-9791. Home: (865) 692-2207.


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