Frequently asked question:
Holston staffers provide FAQs

“Where’s the bathroom?”

“What time do you close?”

No matter where you work, you’re likely to hear some questions more often than others. In the Holston Conference offices, we get that a lot, too. So we recently asked staff members, “What questions do you hear the most?” And if there are helpful answers, we asked workers to supply those as well.

Here is the first of our responses. Look for additional FAQs from Holston staffers in future editions of “Wednesday on the Web.”

Caryl Griffin
Director, Wesley Institute

Q. How many CEUs do I get for this conference I attended?
A. CEUs (continuing education units) are counted by actual minutes/hours of contact with a qualified instructor. When figuring CEUs for a conference, the agenda guides you in figuring actual contact hours. Add the actual classroom/instruction/small group/experiential time, subtracting break times, meal times (except the time of a speaker – usually about 15-30 minutes if it is a speaker/meal), free time, worship, etc. Each hour of instruction is worth 0.1 CEU. The usual maximum is about 0.5 CEUs per day. Half-day events usually count as 2.5 CEUs (although, since Sexual Ethics Training was 3 full hours it is worth 0.3 CEUs).

Q. I heard that soon Holston ministers will be required to attend only Holston Conference continuing education events to receive credit. Is that true?
A. It would be a mistake for qualified events to be ruled out because they are not sponsored by Holston Conference. This is a rumor that is not at all true. Wesley Institute could not possibly offer every course you need to be a great minister. But we can help you learn of upcoming events through many reputable institutions. (For more information, click here.)

Events qualify as legitimate, according to the cabinet and Wesley Institute, when they are sponsored by a legitimate organization that develops skills needed for ministry. Any courses offered through United Methodist agencies, seminaries and other reputable national other-denominational organizations are likely to be eligible. Clergy members may send the event brochure to the Wesley Institute with an agenda or note of CEUs granted on a certificate, and the awarded CEUs will be entered into the pastor's database file.

Events sponsored by Wesley Institute (i.e., Holston Ministers’ Convocation or Sexual Ethics Training) will automatically trigger the recording of CEUs in pastors’ files through the attendance lists. For example, clergy members attending Ministers Convocation 2004 received 2.0 CEUs credit, while members attending Sexual Ethics Training have received 0.3 CEUs for the 2003-04 appointment year.

For more information, e-mail Caryl Griffin or call her at (423) 928-2156.


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