Charge conference:
Ready for yours?

By Annette Bender

Quick! Get your forms filled out. Line up your church leaders. Put on your tap shoes. It’s time for the annual meeting between local churches and district superintendents – the United Methodist institution we know as “charge conference.”

Ready? Or not? To help, we e-mailed 12 district superintendents and asked,  “If you could give any brief advice to Holston pastors preparing for charge conferences, what would it be?”

Four D.S.’s replied, and here’s what they said.

Fred Dearing
Kingsport District

“First, I would advise pastors to have the church assess the purpose of their existence and their response to that purpose  – which is to make disciples. Examine all the church’s activities, finances, and structure in light of making disciples. During the examination, ask the question, ‘Does this activity, expenditure, or structure contribute to making disciples? If the answer is no, then why are we doing it?’

Second: Pastors should evaluate how they are doing their primary task of inviting, receiving, nurturing, and sending forth.

Third: What are the congregation’s core values?”

Dan Taylor Jr.
Big Stone Gap District

“It is always helpful if forms have been signed by the appropriate laity before the charge conference occurs. If the district superintendent has sent forms in a certain order, then the forms should be placed back in that order.  Use forms you are given; don’t make your own. “

Charles Lippse
Cleveland District

“Recognize the significance of the charge conference as a visible sign of our connection and an important way for a district superintendent to observe and share in the administrative life of the local church. Some regard a charge conference as routine, with reports that should be forwarded by e-mail. I think that is far from truth. How pastors and lay leadership of the local churches regard elections, evaluate local church goals, set salaries, and affirm our doctrines and polity may be more realistically observed at a charge conference. It is not so much what is on paper but how people interact and share faith.

Charge conference is not a time to explain away areas of ministry that need to be improved but a time to face them honestly and indicate a heart to make a difference. Let's celebrate what God is doing in our midst but also celebrate what the Holt Spirit may do will a spirit-filled church.”

Stella Roberts
Knoxville District

“Be very careful about how you fill out the salary worksheet. Make sure your treasurer, your staff-parish chairperson, and you (the pastor) are in full agreement in understanding how your income will be received and reported."


Hot topics

Here’s what superintendents say are hot topics in charge conferences so far:

  • Questions about the new bishop
  • Exciting ways in disciple-making
  • Apportionments

Charge Conference Forms Available Online

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