bishop's perspective
Amazing Grace at Annual Conference

We will gather at Annual Conference this year under the banner of “Amazing Grace”!

Grace found us when we were lost and blind. Grace leads us through toils and snares. It is grace that will finally lead us into eternity with God.

We will celebrate throughout our conference the multiple expressions of grace experienced, expressed, and shared.

We'll begin Sunday night with a missions rally and will celebrate one of the means of grace through Holy Communion. The Africa University Choir will sing. No one will want to miss this exhilarating kickoff of our conference.

Additionally, we will acknowledge the grace sustaining those saints who have crossed over Jordan River this past year. We will thank God for the grace that blessed the ministry of retiring clergy and the grace that embraces new persons in the call of ordained and lay ministry.

And yes, we will attend to all necessary business. But at the end of the day, we will be sent in faith as laity and clergy, with the assurance of God's grace to guide, convict, motivate, inspire, and bless until we gather again.

Early Methodists in this country recognized the annual conference as a “means of grace.” We do, too. Come prayed up. Bring your gifts for missions. Come for the time of your life in celebrating God's amazing grace.


I am so grateful for the generous support of our churches for this year's Fair Share apportionments, representing ministry all around the world in Christ's name. By the end of April 2004, our churches collectively gave 1.25 percent more than in April 2003. Thanks be to God for all who give leadership in this crucial endeavor.


Bishop Ray W. Chamberlain
Resident Bishop

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