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October 24, 2006

Life is a Series of Adjustments

A very dear friend of mine often remarks "Life is a series of adjustments. And those who refuse to adjust will not make it in life." The one thing we all know is that life is unpredictable. This is especially true in corporate situations.

Whenever we are in a group setting, be that setting family, community, church, workplace, school or even a sports team we will be called upon to adjust to working with others. I believe that this is the source of some of the difficulty in being a part of the church. We are called not only to adjust our lifestyle but to do so while making new friends, giving our allegiance to new leaders, and following the principles and laws established by others that we often do not know and many who have gone on to glory. And we must do this today in the context of a more individualistic society than ever before. This is difficult at best and almost impossible at worst.

However, there is that scripture that goes like this, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me."

Posted by Bishop at October 24, 2006 09:35 AM
