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October 09, 2006

They Changed the Rules On Me

What happens when someone or time changes the rules on you in mid-stream? This is the question that many of our United Methodist clergy are asking. They were trained to do ministry with a style that led them away from their emotions being involved as they carried out their ministerial responsibilities and fulfilled those roles of ministry. But, in today's climate more and more congregations are expecting pastors to display some level of excitement not just in words but in attitude and actions. And this is just the tip of the iceberg as more and more expectations are being placed on clergy to be great evangelists and inspirational speakers.

There are expectations that they become comfortable in raising money, become integral partners in the development of the communities in which they serve and that they are able to balance extreme theological positions within their churches. As a result, many are either choosing to retire early, make career changes, struggle through to retirement age arrives, fight battles that drain them of their energy, or hide out until it is all over.

I would submit that many of us need to find ways to retool ourselves that we may become more effective in today's climate and that requires a good hard honest look at our strengths and weaknesses. Many of us will need some help in making that transition. I believe our conference needs to find ways to offer clergy some choices that will help clergy to reshape themselves or at least some tools to help evaluate their ability to make those adjustments that are needed if they are to be effective in today's world.

Posted by Bishop at October 9, 2006 01:49 PM
