Welcome to The
Pastor's Corner

Reverend Wendell Smith - Pastor
is Pastor Smith?
Friendsville United
Methodist Church's (FUMC's) pastor is Reverend Wendell Smith. Pastor
Smith grew up in Knoxville, Tennessee. His high school and undergraduate
education was completed in Knoxville, where he obtained a B.S. Degree
in Psychology from the University of Tennessee. His Graduate work was
conducted at Concordia Theological Seminary in Springfield, Illinois,
where he obtained a Masters in Divinity Degree, with a major in Greek.
Pastor Smith pastored
two Lutheran Churches in New York, one on Long Island from 1965 until
1970, and the other in New York City from 1970 to 1981. From 1981 to
1993 he was pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in San Diego, California.
He returned to East Tennessee in 1994 and served as pastor at Asbury
United Methodist Church in Rockwood, Tennessee for four years. He has
been pastor at FUMC since 1998.
Pastor Smith believes
the Bible is the word of God and preaches the Gospel of Christ with
full authority.
Message from Pastor Smith
Welcome to our
place on the Internet! What a delight it is for us to serve God in the
Friendsville area. From time to time this message and our church calendar
will change. But one thing will not change - the fact that we desire
to know ourselves as disciples of Jesus Christ, and that we will continue
to center our lives and our work on Him.
William Willimon
told the story once of talking with a man who was explaining why he
did not attend church. "I don't go to church because it is full
of hypocrites," he said. Willimon replied, "Well, no, it isn't.
I saw some empty seats there just this past Sunday."
Church is the place
we bring ourselves, just as we are, into the presence of God's grace
and love. We bring with us all of our faults and failings, all of our
fears and longings, all of our strengths and weaknesses, hoping that
there will be Words of God for our lives today. We hope you will come
visit us at FUMC. Please go to the "How to Find Us" section
of our Web site for directions and a map.
I hope to have a
chance to meet you soon. If you need assistance you may contact me at
the Church at 995-9150 or call me at home at 995-2576.