Do We Offer?
Adult Programs
Youth Programs
Family Activities
Community Activities
Sunday School
Sunday school
is held from 9:30am until 10:15am each Sunday. Classes are available
for all ages, nursery through senior adults. This is an informal time
of study and sharing in our Christian walk for adults as well as a
time of learning and growing for children and youth.
Worship Service
Our worship service
is held at 10:30 a.m. each Sunday. Each service is a service of praise,
prayer, singing, and the study of the Holy Scriptures. We offer children's
church for ages 3 years to 3rd grade during the Worship Service. A
nursery is also provided for infants and toddlers. Immediately following
the service, we have fellowship, coffee, juice, and cookies in our
fellowship hall. If you have any special needs, e.g. family crisis,
church membership, salvation, etc., Pastor Smith or one of our Spiritual
Counselors will be available to assist you after each service.
Adult Bible Study
Adult Bible Study
is conducted by our pastor Wendell Smith and meets on Tuesday evenings
at 7:00pm in Lowry Hall. Pastor Smith uses this time to focus on scriptures
that he feels are important to our spiritual growth. All are welcome.
Disciple Bible Study
Disciple Bible
Study begins each fall and allows those who participate an opportunity
to dig deeper into the scriptures and strengthen their faith. The
class is held weekly in Lowry Hall.
Adult Choir
Adult choir practice
is held in the choir loft on Wednesday evenings, beginning at 6:30.
The adult choir sings during each Worship Service.
The United Methodist
Women (UMW) meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm. The UMW's
mission is to focus on home and foreign missions and provides an opportunity
to fellowship, pray and study. Special programs are presented throughout
the year. Contact Chairman Helen Gairns for more information.
The United Methodist
Men (UMM) meet on the 3rd Saturday morning of each month for Breakfast
and Fellowship at 7:30 A.M. The UMM are also lending their services
to help keep the church in a good state of repair. The UMM plan, organize
and implement the annual Valentine's Day banquet.
Our Youth Group
is for all young people in the 6th - 12th grades. The group meets every
Thursday at 6:30 with their leader, Marissa Hughes.
They meet for spiritual
enrichment, fellowship, projects, etc. They also meet off-site occasionally
for various fun activities.
The group has several
fund-raising activities throughout the year to support their activities
and service projects.
Each year the youth
attend a retreat for fun, fellowship and spiritual enrichment.
Along with their
scheduled activities, the youth are encouraged to be active members
of the church family. Many help in the nursery, with Children's Church,
and by operating the sound system for Worship and choir practice, as
well as other areas of service.
Web site for kids:
We schedule family
night socials, picnics and other activities throughout the year that
are designed to give us an opportunity to fellowship together. We have
programs that are exciting, educational and entertaining.
A Senior lunch is
offered at our church on the 2nd Wednesday of every month except June,
July, and August. This is a joint effort of ladies from the Methodist
Church, Baptist Church and Friends Meeting.
In July the Friendsville
area churches come together for Community day to perform the cantata
"America", fellowship, play carnival games, and enjoy a fireworks
A Harvest Supper
is held each October.
Our church supports
a Benevolent Fund, which is available for families in the Friendsville
area who are in need or experiencing a crisis.
Our Reach Out and
Touch ministry extends to our senior citizens, shut-ins and members
who are ill.
Game nights
5th Sunday singings and/or dinners
Fall wiener roast
Pumpkin Sunday
Easter egg hunt
Easter Sunrise service & breakfast
Church summer picnic