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Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 24:

Wednesday on the Web
WEDNESDAY ON THE WEB Exclusive - Parable of the cantaloupe: How a four-year-old child’s big heart touched others @ holston.org

SUNDAY CALL is Available for September 28 Bulletins Click Here

September 26 Edition of THE CALL is Online

Download 2004 Calendar Order Form - Order Before Sept. 30th and SAVE $.
Church Search DATABASE Now Current - All church appointments included

Churches Get Big Breaks on Computer Products
United Methodists Help With Hurricane Recovery
‘Prayer Encounter’ in Knoxville on Oct. 19
What Are Critical Issues Facing Children?
Your Online Calendar: Remember These Dates
There’s a Budget Crisis, You Know
Does Your Church Want a Parish Nurse?
Rich Vs. Poor: Some Things Never Change

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Churches Get Big Breaks on Computer Products

Since its launch two years ago, United Methodist Communications’ online computer store has saved the denomination more than $8 million in Microsoft software alone. Now, with the additions of Adobe, Macromedia and MediaShout products to TechShop, churches can save between 20 to 80 percent on a wide range of computer products. For more information, email TechShop or click here.

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United Methodists Help With Hurricane Recovery

As people along the U.S. East Coast recover from the Sept. 18 hurricane, United Methodist churches and conferences are pitching in to help. Want to? Call UMCOR’s volunteer line at (800) 918-3100. Check donations can be made out to UMCOR, designated for "Hurricanes 2003," Advance No. 982438, and placed in church offering plates or sent to UMCOR, 475 Riverside Drive, Room 330, New York, N.Y. 10115. Credit-card donors can call (800) 554-8583 or make an online donation. For Monday’s United Methodist News Service report on hurricane assistance, click here.

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‘Prayer Encounter’ in Knoxville on Oct. 19

Martha Graybeal Rowlett, retired pastor in the California-Pacific Annual Conference, will lead the Knoxville District’s next “Prayer Encounter” on Sunday, Oct. 19. The event, held at Cokesbury Center, begins at 2:30 p.m. and concludes at 7 p.m. Cost is $20 per person, including textbook and snack supper. For information, call the district office at (865) 470-7005.

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What Are Critical Issues Facing Today’s Children?

On Oct. 18, Bill Williams, WBIR News anchor emeritus, will moderate a panel of professionals with working knowledge of what is happening with children in our area. Scheduled at First Morristown UMC from 9 a.m. to noon, the event is sponsored by Morristown District Discipleship Team and Holston Conference Children’s Ministries Team. For more information, email Anita Henderlight or download a PDF flyer

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Your Online Calendar: Events Reminder
(Speaking of Calendars ... order your 2004 calendar now ... and SAVE)

Click on the links below to download brochures and visit our upcoming events link for updates:

Rotation Network Chats - Oct. 2, 16, 28 (PDF)

"Wesley and the Poor": Wesley Institute seminar, Oct. 6-8 (PDF)

"John Wesley: Life, Legend, Legacy": a study program in England, Oct. 13-22 (PDF)

"Newsprint to PowerPoint & Beyond": SEJ event, Oct. 12-15, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (PDF)

Holston 2003 Regional Clergy Conferences, Oct. 14 and 16 in two locations (PDF)

Children's Issues Forum - Oct. 18 Morristown, TN (PDF)

Nov. 12-13: FREE Web Ministry Training Event download PDF (possible CEUs)

"An Advent Retreat": SEJ event, Nov. 17-19, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (PDF)

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There’s a Budget Crisis, You Know

“Clergy Connection,” the publication for Holston clergy, is available online in PDF form. To save money on print and postage, the conference office seeks ministers who will volunteer to receive their issue online in the future. Any takers? Sign-up HERE.

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Parish Nurse: Does Your Church Have One/Want One?

Tennessee Wesleyan College School of Nursing is sponsoring a continuing education event for parish nurses or churches interested in having a parish nurse. Parish nurses, pastors with parish nurses in their churches, or other interested individuals are encouraged to email Anne Travis or call her at (865) 690-4080 for more information.

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Some Things Never Change

A survey from “The Chronicle of Philanthropy” reports that Americans making $70,000 or more dispensed 3.3 percent of their earnings to charitable causes. Meanwhile, those making $50,000 to $69,999 gave 5.6 percent, and those making $30,000 to $49,999 gave 8.9 percent.


Looking for announcements from previous news briefs?
They're now available online by date:
September 17, 2003
September 10, 2003
September 3, 2003
August 27, 2003
August 20, 2003


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