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Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 17:
WEDNESDAY ON THE WEB Exclusive - How to make visitors come back: Is your church sending the right signals? @
SUNDAY CALL is Available for September 21 Bulletins Click Here
Download 2004 Calendar Order Form - Order Before Sept. 30th and SAVE $.
Church Search DATABASE Now Current - All church appointments included
Parish Nurse: Does Your Church Want One?
Hurricane Isabel Approaches: How to Help
‘Prayer Encounter’ in Knoxville on Oct. 19
Give It Up: Great Sunday School Ideas
Your Online Calendar: Remember These Dates
How Much Wood Can a United Methodist Chop?
Youth Putt-Putt Tournament Benefits Camp
Filet Mignon & Potato Chips? Who Said That?
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Parish Nurse: Does Your Church Have One/Want One?
Tennessee Wesleyan College School of Nursing is sponsoring a continuing education event for parish nurses or churches interested in having a parish nurse. Parish nurses, pastors with parish nurses in their churches, or other interested individuals are encouraged to email Anne Travis or call her at (865) 690-4080 for more information.
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Hurricane Isabel Approaches: How to Help
Hurricane Isabel is expected to strike the east coast on Thursday (Sept. 18). District disaster response teams are on standby, while United Methodist Committee on Relief has already sent thousands of flood buckets to North Carolina. For updated storm information and how you can help Click Here.
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‘Prayer Encounter’ in Knoxville on Oct. 19
Martha Graybeal Rowlett, retired pastor in the California-Pacific Annual Conference, will lead the Knoxville District’s next “Prayer Encounter” on Sunday, Oct. 19. The event, held at Cokesbury Center, begins at 2:30 p.m. and concludes at 7 p.m. Cost is $20 per person, including textbook and snack supper. For information, call (865) 470-7005.
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Give It Up: Great ‘Rotation’ Sunday School Ideas
During October, educators, staff and volunteers participating in Rotation Sunday School are invited to share their best rotation ideas at one of three chat group meetings. Choose from Oct. 2 at Memorial UMC in Clinton, Tenn., Oct. 16 at Damascus UMC in Damascus, Va., or Oct. 28 at East Ridge UMC in Chattanooga, Tenn. For more information, email Anita Henderlight or call (865) 690-4080.
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Your Online Calendar: Events Reminder
(Speaking of Calendars ... order your 2004 calendar now ... and SAVE)
Click on the links below to download brochures and visit our upcoming events link for updates:
Holston Conference Native American Ministries Gathering at Coker Creek Village near Tellico Plains, Tenn., on Sept. 20-21.(Online Information)
"Wesley and the Poor": Wesley Institute seminar, Oct. 6-8, Tennessee Wesleyan College, Athens, Tenn. (PDF)
"John Wesley: Life, Legend, Legacy": a 10-day Wesley Institute study program in England, Oct. 13-22 (PDF)
"Newsprint to PowerPoint & Beyond": Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference event, Oct. 12-15, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (PDF)
Holston 2003 Regional Clergy Conferences, Oct. 14 and 16 in two locations (PDF)
Nov. 12-13: FREE Web Ministry Training Event contact Donna Hankins or download PDF (possible CEUs)
"An Advent Retreat": Southeastern Jurisdictional Conference event, Nov. 17-19, Lake Junaluska, N.C. (PDF)
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How Much Wood Can a United Methodist Chop?
Volunteers are invited to join members of First Broad Street UMC and other United Methodist conferences at the 2003 Woodcutting Work Camp, Nov. 1-8 in Cherokee, N.C. Days are spent cutting, splitting and delivering firewood to needy Native Americans. Evenings are spent with devotions and fellowship around a fireplace. Cost is $125 per person; a scholarship is available. Call Connie Taylor or Danny Howe at (423) 224-1531. For an article in “The Call” about last year’s camp, Click Here.
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Youth Putt-Putt Tournament Benefits Wesley Woods
Youth groups are encouraged to sign up for Camp Wesley Woods’ 1st Annual Putt-Putt Tournament on Sunday, Oct. 26. The tournament begins at 2 p.m. at Celebration Station in Knoxville. Cost is $10 per two-player team. For registration or pledge sheets, contact Randy Allen at (865) 983-4228 or Charlie Wimmer at (865) 982-4235. Following the tournament, Knoxville and Oak Ridge District youth will hold their Festival of Gifts and Talents at Concord UMC.
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Who Said That?
“A steady diet of doctrinal hymns is like too much filet mignon. But living on repetitive four-line choruses is like making a meal of potato chips. Ideal is a mix.”
– Christian singer/songwriter Paul Baloche, quoted in USA Today
Looking for announcements from previous news briefs?
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September 10, 2003
September 3, 2003
August 27, 2003
August 20, 2003
August 13, 2003
August 6, 2003
July 30, 2003
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