
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for July 6:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Help for the Desperate in Zimbabwe @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: See you at the ballgame on July 24

"Holston Conference Night at the Ballpark" is set for Sunday, July 24, at the Tennessee Smokies stadium in Kodak, Tenn. Holston groups will receive a discounted price of $11 per ticket on field level by purchasing tickets by July 19. No discounts will be offered on the day of the game. The game between the Smokies and the Chattanooga Lookouts starts at 5 p.m.

Download an order form now

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You asked for it: You got it

How would you like to have a printed directory of Holston Conference appointments, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses?

For the first time, the conference office is making these handbooks available for $6 each. The "Conference Handbook and Directory 2005-2006" contains "everything you ever wanted to know" about Holston clergy, conference officials and staff, committee members, and related institutions -- all in one handy, spiral-bound book. Reserve a copy now; books will be available by September.

Download an order form now

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TennCare ministry continues beyond deadline

The deadline for TennCare subscribers to turn in their "brown pages" forms is today. However, churches should continue to be ready to minister to thousands of Tennesseans who might be without health care coverage, Bishop James Swanson said recently.

Future editions of The Call will keep church members informed of developing ministries to address the health care crisis throughout Holston Conference. In the meantime, visit the conference web site for more information. You may also contact Steve Hodges, chair of the Outreach/Advocacy Team at (423) 733-4195, (423) 733-1626, or e-mail .

Find links to TennCare advocacy information

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Please help our youth ministries office fulfill these needs

Holston's youth ministries office seeks your help in identifying candidates for the following opportunities:

Download forms for these opportunities now

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Youth & youth workers: Don't miss these opportunities

July 18-22: 'Junior High Assembly' and Worship Arts Ministry.' Hiwassee College in Madisonville, Tenn.

July 25: Deadline for 'Resurrection' T-shirt design contest.

Aug. 12-14: 'MK/PK Getaway,' a retreat for youth whose parents are in ministry. Camp Dickenson in Fries, Va.

Sept. 23-25: 'Youth Pilgrimage' on the Appalachian Trail.

Get more information on these dates now

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Ideas for clergy renewal: Who said that?

"The job is demanding, and pastors perform their duties among a dizzying array of requests and expectations. Congregations are not always easy places, and the responsibilities can sometimes wear down the best pastors."

-- From a "National Clergy Renewal Program" web site, sponsored by the Lilly Endowment. The endowment annually provides as many as 100 grants of up to $45,000 each directly to Christian congregations for the support of a renewal program for their pastor.

Visit the web site

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Lots of Wesley Leadership Institute CEU events

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.