
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for June 8:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Annual Conference Webcast @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Children's Day kicks off camping season

More than 600 participated in Children's Day to help kick off Holston Conference camping for the 2005 summer season, the children's ministry office announced.

Children from numerous churches -- including eight congregations that had not participated in previous camp activities -- attended the two-day event at seven different camps. Ahistadi, Laurel, and Wesley Woods held Children's Day on May 14. Blackmore, Buffalo Mountain, Dickenson, and Lookout held Children's Day on June 4.

"Hopefully, Children's Day will serve as a feeder program for summer camp in years to come," said Anita Henderlight, children's ministry coordinator. Look for a Children's Day story in a future edition of The Call.

Visit our camping Web site

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Deadline! Districts pack up mission kits for Africa

All this week, churches in Holston's 12 districts will be delivering mission supplies to designated drop-off points as part of a conference-wide hands-on project. The food, health and school supplies are destined for Liberia and Zimbabwe later this summer. Each district has its own assignment and deadline. Most districts are gathering supplies on Wednesday, June 8, and Thursday, June 9.

Learn your district's deadline and drop-off point

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We're going to Lake J: No News Briefs next week

Don't look for Holston Conference News Briefs in your "in" box next week. Instead, visit www.holston.org for live stream of Annual Conference 2005 or for daily editions of The Call. The conference communications staff will be on site in Lake Junaluska June 12-15, providing coverage of Annual Conference activities for participants as well as church members back home. News Briefs will return on June 22.

Read The Call's Annual Conference preview

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Three new 'Safe Sanctuaries' training dates added

This fall, Holston churches are required to have child-abuse prevention policies in time for their 2005 charge conferences. The children's ministry office has added three new "Safe Sanctuaries" training dates to aid congregations in preparing their policies and procedures. The dates are: June 25 at St. Luke UMC, Chattanooga District; July 10 at Hiltons Memorial UMC, Big Stone Gap District; and July 11 at St. Paul UMC, Wytheville District.

Find out more about the new training dates

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Bishop's blog featured in Knoxville newspaper

Bishop James Swanson's blog, "Soaring," was featured in a Knoxville News Sentinel article on Saturday, June 4. To read the article, you will need to register on the News Sentinel site.

Read the 'Faithful Blogger' article

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Numbers: May was a 'good month' in Holston

Total apportionment dollars received in 2005 are up $267,752 over gifts received this time last year, Treasurer Clyde McDonald recently reported. In addition, apportionments received in May 2005 were .9 percent higher than in May 2004.

"May was a good month compared to last year," McDonald said. Other good news: Eight districts are showing increases in giving, with the Johnson City and Abingdon Districts rising more than 5 percent over 2004 giving.

Vist the finance office's new site

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Summer youth activities, including 'Assembly' and 'Worship Arts Ministry'

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.