
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for June 29:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – TennCare Bulletin Insert for July 3rd @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Swanson speaks out for health care

Bishop James Swanson is meeting with key leaders in Holston and in other Tennessee United Methodist conferences this week to plan how local churches can help TennCare subscribers who may lose their insurance, and also, to address the larger issue of health care coverage.

"I see it as a basic human right. Everybody ought to have the right to live," said Swanson earlier today in a meeting with Steve Hodges, chair of the Outreach/Advocacy Team.

Following the passage of a resolution at the Holston Annual Conference on June 15, church members in Tennessee are urged to move quickly to help TennCare subscribers fill out their "brown pages" forms by July 6. To volunteer or for more information, call these Legal Aid of Tennessee staff members: Katie Evans in Knoxville at (865) 637-0484 or Deborah Yeomans in Johnson City at (423) 928-8311, ext. 38.

For other information about Holston's long-term plans for related ministry and advocacy, see the upcoming issues of The Call or contact Steve Hodges at (423) 733-4195, (423) 733-1626, or e-mail. You may also contact the connectional ministries office toll-free at (866) 690-4080.

Tip sheets and other up-to-date TennCare information

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You asked for it: You got it

How would you like to have a printed directory of Holston Conference appointments, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses?

For the first time, the conference office is making these handbooks available for $6 each. The "Conference Handbook and Directory 2005-2006" contains "everything you ever wanted to know" about Holston clergy, conference officials and staff, committee members, and related institutions -- all in one handy, spiral-bound book. Reserve a copy now; books will be available by September.

Download an order form now

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Lost your car keys at Annual Conference?

In the conference office in Knoxville, we have two red leather-bound Bibles, one set of GM car keys, one leather eyeglasses case, and one cell phone, all of which were found in Stuart Auditorium during Annual Conference. If you believe any of these items might belong to you, contact Anne Travis or Eric Glass at (toll free) 1-866-690-4080.

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Please help our youth ministries office fulfill these needs

Holston's youth ministries office seeks your help in identifying candidates for the following opportunities:

Download forms for these opportunities now

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How to experience AC 2005 all over again

Video and/or audiotapes of Annual Conference sessions are available by contacting Phil and Betty Watkins of Good News TV at 1-828-452-2881, ext. 767.

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Ten Commandments on display: Who said that?

"I think that the high court took a reasoned and balanced approach that, in effect, allows the courts to address issues of Ten Commandments displays in courthouses on a case-by-case basis."

-- the Rev. Larry Pickens, chief executive of the United Methodist Commission on Christian Unity and Interreligious Concerns. His comments concern the U.S. Supreme Court's June 27 ruling on the display of the Ten Commandments.

Read about other United Methodist reactions

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Leading the Middle-Sized Church:
An SEJ seminar, endorsed by the Wesley Leadership Institute, on July 25-28

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.