
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for April 6:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Is Your Church Child-Friendly? @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: United Methodists praise Pope John Paul

Pope John Paul II is being remembered by United Methodists as one of the great leaders of the Roman Catholic Church.

"John Paul II personified the Roman Catholic Church for more than a quarter-century," said Bishop William B. Oden, ecumenical officer for the United Methodist Council of Bishops. "He embodied its conflicts, its strengths and weaknesses and its struggles."

Read what other United Methodists said

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Remember May 1: Special offering for Latvia

Holston Conference will raise $125,000 to benefit "Helping Hands for Latvia" during special offerings on May 1 or alternate dates. In addition, each district is currently collecting food, clothing, health or school supplies for missions in Zimbabwe or Liberia.

Read more about Holston's annual missions project

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New study reveals details about probationary process

Mentoring: It ranks first of the four components in contributing "a great deal" to probationer growth, according to a study released last month by the Lewis Center for Church Leadership. "The Journey from Readiness to Effectiveness, 2nd Edition," is a report assessing the probationary process for candidates seeking ordination in the United Methodist Church. The Rev. Lovett H. Weems, keynote speaker at Ministers' Convocation 2005, led the project.

Find out more; download the study

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Hiwassee suit against SACS shifts to Atlanta

On March 31, Judge Thomas Varlan of the U.S. District Court in Knoxville ruled in favor of a motion by the accrediting body, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), to transfer Hiwassee College's case against it to the U.S. District Court in Atlanta. Judge Varlan also ruled to maintain the restraining order against SACS, thereby maintaining Hiwassee College's accreditation and membership, until further rulings are made in Atlanta.

Read Hiwassee's press release about the action

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Hiwassee College announces Spring Open House

Hiwassee College will host a Spring Open House on Saturday, April 23. Area high school juniors and seniors are encouraged to experience the campus in Madisonville, Tenn. The day will begin at 10 a.m. with registration and a faculty fair. Guests are invited to enjoy a free lunch while attending. Tryouts for women's volleyball, men's soccer, men's or women's basketball, and cheerleading/dance team will be held. Contact the admission office at 1-800-356-2187 for more information.

Apply online for admission to Hiwassee College

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Delegates needed to represent Holston in Korea

The meeting of the World Methodist Council will be held July 18-19, 2006, at the Chong Dong Methodist Church in Seoul, Korea. The 500 members of the Council meet every five years. The Holston Annual Conference is entitled to nominate two persons who will serve on the council.

The 19th World Methodist Conference will be held July 20-24, 2006, at the Kumnan Methodist Church in Seoul, Korea. The Holston Annual Conference is entitled to send 40 delegates. Delegates are responsible for their own expenses.

Holston clergy and lay members who wish to represent Holston in Korea should contact Norma Edwards by e-mail or at (865) 690-4080.

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Numbers: What can we learn from these churches?

Pentecostal and historic African American churches are increasingly visible on the U.S. religious landscape and mainline Protestants no longer dominate a list of the 25 largest American churches, reports the National Council of Churches' 2005 "Yearbook of American & Canadian Churches."

Three of the largest 25 churches in the U.S. are Pentecostal and six are African American, the yearbook reports. The list includes the rapidly growing Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Greek Orthodox Church, the Orthodox Church in America, Jehovah's Witnesses, and -- largest of all -- the Roman Catholic Church.

Read more about how the UMC rates

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Change for Children grant applications due: April 15

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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