Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for April 20:
exclusive – 70 Year Challenge: Upper Room @ holston.org
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TOP STORY: Preparations made for Latvia mission
Holston leaders are gearing up for a May 1 conference-wide offering to benefit Latvia, as well as assembling a missions team to travel to the country in September.
The conference goal is to raise $125,000 and use it to build a camp, support unwed mothers, and develop church leaders in Latvia. Each congregation should prepare to take a special offering on May 1 or an alternate date.
Volunteers are also needed for an 18-member missions team that will work in Latvia this fall. Representatives from each district are requested. One-third of the trip's expense will be covered by the conference, one-third by the district, and one-third by the participant. For more information, contact Team Leader Gary Fowler at (865) 681-2594. To volunteer to represent your district, contact your district office.
Learn more about Holston's annual missions project
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How to improve your church Web site
The United Methodist Church's communications agency is introducing new syndication formats that will enable local church web sites to make the latest denominational news available more easily.
United Methodist News Service, a part of United Methodist Communications, and UMC.org launched a series of "syndication" tools April 18 that allow web designers and site visitors to customize the display of articles and news generated by the agency.
Read the UMNS article
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Grants available for elderly programming
The Holston Conference Foundation is calling for proposals from Holston churches and agencies that provide educational, recreational and spiritual programming for the elderly. This year, the Foundation's Margaret Loving Trust has $55,000 available to fund ministries for older adults. Typical grant requests range from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Application deadline is May 30. For more information, e-mail Rita Broderick or call her at (865) 690-4080.
Visit the Foundation's site
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Order 'Peace With Justice' worship resources now
One of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church, Peace With Justice Sunday is scheduled for May 22. When churches take special offerings on this day, half of the offering supports Peace With Justice ministries globally through the General Board of Church and Society. The other half assists annual conference-related work.
Order free resources
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Wesley Institute seminar: 'Meth Abuse & Children'
The Virginia Department of Emergency Management is offering an awareness class, "Methamphetamine Abuse: What About The Children?" at Pleasant View UMC in Abingdon on Thursday, May 12, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Wesley Institute will offer .3 CEUs for the class.
Visit the Wesley Institute page for more information
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Christian, but not dorky: Who said that?
"I would never go back to a secular camp. What we're trying to teach our girls goes against all the media, all the sexual stuff and bad sportmanship."
--Jaime Fulton, cheerleading coach at Western Christian High School in Covina, Calif. Fulton was quoted in a recent Associated Press article concerning Christian cheerleading camps that attempt to leave out the bump-and-grind without being too "dorky."
Read the Washington Times article
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
Senior & Junior High Assembly: July 5-9 and 18-22
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.