Cover Story
Retired pastor undertakes Nine-day bike tour
Riding for pensions A retired Holston pastor is taking his bike out for a 480-mile spin to help the conference reach its $7.8 million pensions goal.
The Rev. Jim Green, a long-distance biker and the conference's steward of clergy concerns, will pedal the length of the Holston Conference from Radford, Va., to Rising Fawn, Ga. to raise funds for The Legacy of Commitment Campaign. "The Ride," as conference leaders have dubbed it, will kick off April 3 for a nine-day tour.
Churches, Sunday school
classes, United Methodist Men
and Women, and especially youth
groups are encouraged to sponsor
GreenŐs ride with $480 ($1 per
mile) given in honor of former pastors
or beloved church leaders. A
list of honorees and sponsors will
be published in The Call.
Every Holston church is urged
to make at least one contribution
to the bike fundraising effort, conference
leaders said. Pastors will
receive explanatory brochures in
early February.
The bike fundraiser is one of two appeals to local churches to help the conference meet its goal to underwrite pre-1982 pensions for Holston clergy. On April 28, 2002, congregations will be asked to give on behalf of retired ministers during a conference-wide "Retired Ministers Sunday."
Currently, 15 to 20 percent of each Holston congregation's "Fair Share," or apportionment, covers the cost of unfunded pensions. As of Jan. 8, the campaign had raised $5.76 million for 73.8 percent of the $7.8 million goal. The target date for completion of the campaign is Annual Conference 2002. For more information, contact The Legacy of Commitment office at (865) 690-4080.
January 18, 2002 Issue
Go Vols
Shouldnt we let God determine our activities instead of the SEC? A commentary.
Page 3
Secret Lives
Maybe you only see your minister on Sunday mornings, but for these four pastors, theres a lot more going on behind the scenes.
Pages 4 & 5
Bishop's Perspective
None of us follow the Bible very literally. Thank God we dont! If we did, we would look and act much more like the Taliban than like followers of Jesus.
Page 2
Nation & World
Methodist news from outside the conference. Pages 6 & 7
Unless otherwise noted, all articles written by Annette Spence Bender
The Call Available in Bulk Quantities
Weve hoped for some time to offer subscriptions to The Call, Holstons newspaper, in bulk quantities for churches who wish to place them in the Narthex, bulletins, Sunday School classes, etc. Subscriptions are available in quantities of 50, 100 and 200 copies at a significantly reduced rate. For more information, please contact Annette Bender, editor of The Call, at
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