Connectional Reflections
The "gentle giant" and his dream

By Anne Travis

The conference staff spends lots of time planning and looking ahead. For example, at this time of year, we are focused on Annual Conference in June. We constantly ask ourselves what we can plan to support local churches in their ministries. But it is also appropriate to allow ourselves time for reflection and renewal.

Holston's retreat for older adults, Jubilation 2004, came together in March under the theme "Rejoice, Reflect, Renew" – and we did just that!

We rejoiced at the fellowship with those gathered. We reflected in worship led by the Rev. Ann Blair, a keynote address delivered by Bishop Chamberlain, and thought-provoking and challenging Bible study led by the Rev. Bill Carter.

We laughed at the variety of entertainment and humor provided by Jerry King, David St. Clair, and John Ousley. We learned through workshops led by experts.

We appreciated the hard work of the Jubilation Design Team, led by Bob and Phyllis Bostick. We came away truly renewed.

Yet, amidst our joy, we paused to reflect on the life of one who had the vision for Jubilation. All of those present were poignantly aware of the absence of Cecil Harville, who died March 26, two days before Jubilation's opening. It was Cecil's able leadership that inspired the first Jubilation in 2001. He led the design team for three years, followed by another year of service on the team as he underwent treatment for his illness. We will miss him – the gentle, soft-spoken giant who had a big dream of bringing older adults in Holston together to rejoice, reflect, and renew.


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