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Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs:

Wednesday on the Web

Check Out the WEDNESDAY WEB EXCLUSIVE - All Districts Exceed Goal for Africa Mission Kits @

SUNDAY CALL is Available for June 22 Bulletins
Click Here
(Please Note: KIDS CALL is on Summer Vacation! Look for the Next Edition in Fall 2003.)

New Pastoral Counselor on Board
It's a Real Powwow in Tellico Plains
Seniors Wanted for Michigan Adventure
Lose Control of Scripture

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New Pastoral Counselor is IN

Gary Mauldin, Holston's new Pastoral Counselor, is available at a temporary office located at Middlebrook Pike UMC in Knoxville. His phone number is (423) 418-3585. Click HERE for directions to the church. (Dr. Mauldin's office is in the ground floor of the old church building on the corner. Enter at the breezeway. Go to next hallway and turn left.)

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It's a Real Powwow in Tellico Plains

Holston Conference Native American Ministries will host their fifth annual Gathering at Coker Creek Village near Tellico Plains, Tenn., on Sept. 20-21. The event will feature Native American artist Bill Miller, workshops and a powwow. Registrations forms are available through district offices and at Annual Conference in Lake Junaluska, N.C. For more information, contact (865) 435-0100 or send email.

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Seniors Wanted for Michigan Adventure

The seniors group at First Broad Street United Methodist Church is organizing a bus trip to Michigan's upper peninsula. The Sept. 14-19 trip includes two nights at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island and a carriage tour of the island. Cost is $816 per person, departing from Kingsport, Tenn. For more information, contact Jack Mahaffey at (423) 247-3606 or Rev. Linda Coffey at (423) 246-4471.

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Lose Control

Eugene Peterson, speaking at a recent Presbyterian pastors' assembly, admonished "we are trained to read for information but the Bible is a story, not an encyclopedia. It's a story that includes us. We can only enter the story by being submissive. We can't take control of the story."

Peterson said the most frequent complaint he hears about The Message, his translation of the Bible into contemporary English, is that there are no verse numbers. "People say, 'How can I study this? I don't know where I am.'"

"That's the point", he tries to explain to these critics. "You're out of control."
more of Peterson's address


Looking for announcements from previous news briefs?
They're now available online by date:
June 4, 2003
May 28, 2003
May 14, 2003


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