
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for August 10:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Back to School Worship Resources @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Wesley Foundations welcome newcomers

Holston's five Wesley Foundations are gearing up to welcome students back for the school year. If you know of United Methodist students attending the following colleges, tell them about the following back-to-school events for the public. (These are only a few of the many activities planned. Contact the directors for more information.)

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'Family Systems' training offered this fall

The Holston Conference Pastoral Counseling Center will be offering two continuing education and training programs this fall.

"Family Systems I" focuses on training and supervision in pastoral care and counseling of individuals, couples and families. The group organizational meeting will be held Aug. 30 at 11 a.m. at Inskip UMC in Knoxville, Tenn.

"Family Systems II" focuses on advanced training and supervision in family systems pastoral care. The group organizational meeting will be held Aug. 30 at 1 p.m. at Inskip UMC in Knoxville.

For more information, contact Gary Mauldin by e-mail or (865) 805-9781

Visit Gary Mauldin's web site

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Which music licenses do you need for your church?

Pastors and musicians express great frustration and confusion surrounding the purchase and use of the three main music licenses: CCLI, LicenSing, and OneLicense.net. The General Board of Discipleship offers an easy-to-understand chart that will help you ask and answer the major questions.

Download the chart now

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Is this week's issue of The Call missing pages?

Holston's official newspaper, The Call, is published every two weeks. The publication routinely has eight pages, but two times each year (in summer and at Christmas) the newspaper is reduced to four pages.

The Aug. 12 edition is intended to be a four-page newspaper. However, the pages are incorrectly numbered, leading readers to believe that pages are missing. The Call regrets the error.

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Bishop Carder leads security forum on Aug. 27

Clergy and laity are encouraged to attend a special conference-wide forum, " In Search of Security," at Concord United Methodist Church in Knoxville, Tenn., on Saturday, Aug. 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Bishop Ken Carder, a former pastor in Holston Conference, will lead the gathering, which is sponsored by the office of Bishop James Swanson, the Outreach/Advocacy Team, and Peace with Justice Committee. The forum's purpose is to provoke discussion about how Christians should live in a world filled with terrorist attacks and fear, organizers said.

Download brochure now

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'Christian Education Showcase' at Cokesbury

Cokesbury Bookstores announces a "Christian Education Showcase" Aug. 15-27 at both the Knoxville and Johnson City stores. "The Christian Education Showcase gives clergy and laity the opportunity to see a wide variety of resources. Our staffs will be there to help you find what you need and to answer your questions," said Jan Butler, Johnson City store manager.

Customers who make purchases Aug. 15-27 will receive free shipping and a 15 percent discount coupon for September. For more information, call the Johnson City store at (877) 763-1255 or the Knoxville store at (888)279-3715.

Visit Cokesbury online

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Rebuilding the Wesley Foundation: Who said that?

"We believe it will be a model for other campus ministries, not only for our conference, but in other conferences."

--Dan Gara, treasurer for the California-Pacific Annual Conference, commenting on construction of a $19 million Wesley Foundation at San Diego State University. The Wesley Foundation will be built at no cost to the conference through a "revolutionary new way of financing."

Read the United Methodist News Service article

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Wesley & Ethics seminar: Sept. 26-27

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.