
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for December 14:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Caring for the earth, caring for people @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Plan now for year-end apportionments

Money for 2005 apportionments must be received in the Knoxville treasurer’s office by Friday, Jan. 6, at 5 p.m., the finance office recently announced. In addition, offerings received on Sunday, Jan. 1, may not be applied to 2005 apportionments.

“Internal Revenue Service contribution rules clearly state that churches should not count gifts physically received on Jan. 1 – even if the check is back-dated,” said the Rev. Clyde McDonald, conference treasurer. However, checks postmarked by Dec. 31 and arriving by mail after Jan. 1 may be applied to 2005 apportionments.

Read more about year-end apportionments in The Call

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Welcome them warmly at Christmas: Special graphics

The Igniting Ministry web site offerings marketing and welcoming resources to assist in preparing your congregation for the Advent season. Included are worship graphics, web graphics, and bulletin covers.

Visit the Igniting Ministry site now

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Should the church be closed on Christmas?

United Methodists are contributing their opinions to the national debate on whether churches should skip worship on Sunday, Dec. 25. Visit these web sites for perspectives on if and how Christmas worship should be observed:

"Church. Closed for Christmas?" General Board of Discipleship's Offering Christ Today web site

"When Christmas Comes on Sunday," Interpreter Magazine

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Money still needed for Russian Seminary: $27,937

As of Dec. 5, the Holston Conference treasurer's office had received $22,063 for the Russian United Methodist Theological Seminary. The conference goal is $50,000. Make checks payable to your local church or to "Holston Conference." Mark the memo line, "RUMTS Appeal." Drop checks in your church offering plate or mail to: Holston Conference, P.O. Box 32939, Knoxville, TN 37930-2939.

Read more about the seminary appeal

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21 tips for New Year's worship services

To assist pastors in planning for worship services on Saturday, Dec. 31, and Sunday, Jan. 1, the General Board of Discipleship offers a list of hymns and preaching helps.

Visit the GBOD site now

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Signs of hope in Iraq: Who said that?

"While I can't quite be Santa and put every soldier mom and dad in a stocking back home, I am glad to say that your prayers for peace on earth are yielding results, and peace is on the move in this end of the world."

— Chaplain James R. Lewis, in a recent United Methodist News Service Commentary, "Signs of Hope Can be Seen in Iraq." Lewis is stationed in Baghdad, 111th Chaplain's Detachment.

Read the UMNS commentary now

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March Forth for Children: March 3-4

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.