
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for October 12:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – We Walk Because They Walk @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Flood bucket drive concludes Oct. 15

On Oct. 15, an 18-wheeler will begin a journey through Holston Conference, picking up hurricane-relief supplies from Wytheville District down to Chattanooga District before heading to the Sager Brown Depot in Louisiana.

"We're looking primarily for flood buckets," said Holston Missions Coordinator Bill Daugherty, "but we're not going to limit it to that." Many churches still have hurricane-relief donations (health kits, bottled water, paper products) left over from previous campaigns, he explained.

Church members should call their district offices to learn where to drop off supplies in their areas. The conference goal is to collect 2,000 flood buckets, which contain bleach, towels, gloves, and other supplies for cleaning up after a flood or hurricane.

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Pakistan earthquake: The relief effort begins

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and ecumenical partner agencies are responding to the Oct. 8 earthquake that shook Pakistan and India, leaving a death toll that some reports place at more than 30,000. Donations to the United Methodist relief effort can be marked for "UMCOR Advance #232000, Pakistan Earthquake," and placed in church offering plates. Contributions also can be made by phone at (800) 554-8583.

Read the UMNS report

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Friends of Estonia will meet in Georgia in January

Church members are invited to the 10th annual National Gathering of Friends of Estonia, Jan. 20-21 in Marietta, Ga. The Rev. Olav Parnamets, former district superintendent of Estonia for 26 years, and the Rev. Taavi Hollman, newly elected district superintendent, will attend. For more information, e-mail Mary Ann Smith masmith@asburytulsa.org at (918) 392-1117.

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Youth council pleads for help to reach goal

The Conference Council on Youth Ministry (CCYM) has a Youth Service Fund Ministry Team. The group recently wrote the following paragraph for Holston members:

"What is YSF? The Youth Service Fund is money raised by youth, spent by youth, to benefit youth. Your Holston Conference Council on Youth Ministries has set a goal of raising $30,000 for the year 2005. We have already raised over $27,300, but we are still in need of donations to help us reach our goal. Therefore, we extend a challenge to you and your church to participate in the final push to surpass our YSF goal. Thank you for supporting the youth of our conference and the ministries supported by YSF!"

For more information, contact Dan Gray, coordinator of youth ministries, by e-mail dangray@holston.org or call (423) 928-2156.

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Having said all that ... YSF grants available

Holston groups that assist in meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of youth are encouraged to apply for 2006 Youth Service Fund grants. Applications are due by Nov. 2.

Download an application from the YSF page

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Important Medicare information for clergy retirees

Holston Conference Board of Pensions warns clergy retirees that if you decide to enroll in a Medicare prescription drug plan and drop your Holston Conference prescription drug coverage, be aware that you may not be able to get this coverage back.

More information available here

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Copyright crusaders: Who said that?

"In America today, God is too often turned into mammon, and it seems no good deed -- or inspirational thought -- goes unsold, no profit uncontested."

-- Author David Gibson, in a
Fortune Magazine article, "Copyright Crusaders: Who Gets the Royalties for Prayers on Coffee Mugs?"

Visit the Fortune web site

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Resurrection: Jan. 13-15 and Jan. 20-22

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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