
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for December 7:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Clergy: It's time to register for Convocation 2006 @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Advertising campaign begins this week

On Monday, Dec. 5, the United Methodist Church began its holiday advertising campaign on national cable television. The three-week advertising blitz will be the longest the denomination has undertaken during the Christmas season.

The $1.8 million venture includes two commercials, entitled “The Gift,” and “I Believe," airing Dec. 5 through Dec. 24 on the following networks: A & E, ABC Family, Animal Channel, BET, Discovery, Hallmark, HGTV, History, Lifetime Movie, TBS, TNT, TV ONE, USA, WGN, CNN, HDLN, Fox News, and the Weather Channel.

Read more about the commercials

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14 Christmas wishes from UMCOR

For $15, supplement the diets of institutionalized children and adults in Armenia through UMCOR's cheese distribution program.

For $70, provide one month of food for a family facing famine in Africa.

For $500, dig a village well in Afghanistan and give 80 to 160 people clean drinking water.

See the rest of UMCOR's Christmas wish list now

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Tell us: How are you welcoming guests this Christmas?

Is your church doing something special to welcome newcomers during the holidays? Please tell us about it immediately by e-mailing thecall@holston.org. Your ideas may be printed in the next edition of The Call or in "Holston Conference News Briefs."

12 hospitality tips from the General Board of Discipleship

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Money still needed for Russian Seminary: $27,937

As of Dec. 5, the Holston Conference treasurer's office had received $22,063 for the Russian United Methodist Theological Seminary. The conference goal is $50,000. Make checks payable to your local church or to "Holston Conference." Mark the memo line, "RUMTS Appeal." Drop checks in your church offering plate or mail to: Holston Conference, P.O. Box 32939, Knoxville, TN 37930-2939.

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Plan now for Human Relations Day on Jan. 15

Human Relations Day, one of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church, is observed on the Sunday before the birthday observance of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Special offerings collected on this day -- Jan. 15, 2006 -- will strengthen United Methodist outreach to communities in the United States and Puerto Rico, while encouraging social justice and work with at-risk youth.

Download worship resources for Human Relations Day

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Who said that? More opinions on the Judicial decision

"We would not expect our ordained clergy to knowingly receive into membership someone who is in breach of the very church vows that he or she is proclaiming."

— Brenda A. Menzies, laywoman from Franklin, Tenn., in a recent United Methodist News Service "Commentary." Menzies' opinion is one of several included in recent UMNS articles concerning a Judicial Council decision to reinstate a pastor after he denied church membership to a gay man.

Read the UMNS commentary now

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Divine Rhythm for young adults: Jan. 20-22

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.