Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for November 2:
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TOP STORY: Court reinstates pastor who denied membership
United Methodist ministers do have the power to decide who becomes a member of the local church, the denomination’s top court has ruled, supporting a pastor who blocked an openly gay man from joining the congregation.
The United Methodist Judicial Council, holding its regular fall meeting Oct. 26-29, issued two decisions related to the case of Rev. Ed Johnson, who was serving as senior pastor at South Hill (Va.) United Methodist Church until he was placed on involuntary leave of absence in June. The result of both decisions is that Johnson is to be immediately reinstated to the status he held before being placed on involuntary leave of absence, with all salary and benefits retroactive to July 1, and is entitled to receive an appointment.
Read the United Methodist News Service report
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Judicial Council rules against Beth Stroud
The United Methodist Judicial Council has reversed an appeals court ruling in the case of a lesbian pastor, restoring the original trial court ruling and verdict that had resulted in the minister losing her clergy credentials.
The Rev. Irene Elizabeth "Beth" Stroud, an associate pastor at First United Methodist Church in Germantown, Pa., was convicted by a clergy trial court last December after stating that she was a practicing lesbian -- a violation of church law, which forbids the ordination and appointment of "self-avowed practicing" homosexuals. The trial court revoked Stroud's credentials, but a jurisdictional court of appeals set aside that ruling in April. The Oct. 31 decision by the denomination's top court restores the original decision.
Read the United Methodist News Service report
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Wanted: Liturgical art groups for Annual Conference
Instrumental and vocal ensembles and choirs, drama groups, and liturgical dancers are needed for Annual Conference 2006.
To indicate your interest, please notify the Rev. Sam Johnson immediately by e-mail or by calling (423) 869-3734. Audiotapes, videotapes, CDs, or DVDs must be postmarked by Jan. 15, 2006, to be considered. The Annual Conference Worship Planning Committee reserves the right to work with those selected to make appropriate musical and dramatic selections for various worship settings.
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Evangelistic preaching helps for Thanksgiving
The General Board of Discipleship offers this web page of lectionary readings, scripture notes, and key preaching points for Thanksgiving sermons.
Visit the GBOD site now
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Lynch available to speak to churches in early 2006
Alaskan missionary Fran Lynch will be available to speak to Holston churches Feb. 26 through March 8, 2006. Lynch is supported by many Holston churches. Her ministry will benefit from the 2006 Annual Conference missions offering. To request her appearance, contact Bill Daugherty by e-mail, toll-free at (866) 690-4080, or locally at (865) 690-4080.
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Ohio seminary seeks new president
Methodist Theological Seminary in Ohio has opened a search for its next president. Application deadline is Nov. 30.
Visit MTSO's web site for more information
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'Saddened by your resolution': Who said that?
"I am saddened by your resolution. My son, who is serving in Iraq, is very proud of the job he and his fellow soldiers have done over there. Why don't you use your time and efforts more wisely by feeding the hungry and healing the sick and giving clothes to those who have none and sharing your homes with those who lost theirs -- and leave the war to those who are in the know?"
-- Julie Johnson, member of Kern Memorial United Methodist Church in Oak Ridge District. Johnson is responding to last week's "News Briefs" story concerning the Board of Church and Society's resolution calling for withdrawal from Iraq.
UMNS report about the resolution
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
United Methodist Student Day: Nov. 27
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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