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Holston Conference News Briefs for July 30, 2003

Wednesday on the Web

WEDNESDAY ON THE WEB Exclusive … How to get the media to cover your church event? 5 tips from a public relations expert. @ holston.org

SUNDAY CALL is Available for August 3 Bulletins Click Here

August 1 edition
of THE CALL is now online

Job Opportunities Posted Online

What's on Your Schedule for 2004?
Wesley Institute Continuing Education Events
Who Was That Annual Conference Speaker?
Volunteers in Mission Needed in Cuba
Move Over, Jerry Lewis
Get Your Grant Money Here
Apportionment Giving Continues to Drop
What Would J.K. Rowling Say?

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What's on Your Schedule for 2004?

It's time to plan for the 2004 conference calendar! If you want your group's meeting or event to be included on the calendar, send information to Donna Hankins (email) in the communications office or call (865) 690-4080. Deadline for receiving calendar information is Aug. 30.

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Wesley Institute Upcoming Events

England Trip: Sign up now for the Wesley Institute's Wesley Heritage Tour of England, happening Oct. 13-22, 2003. This is a joint effort between Wesley Institute and The Society for Biblical Studies. Contact Caryl Griffin 423-928-2156 or for more information concerning the 10-day Methodist Heritage program, download the PDF brochure.

Preaching Seminar: Zan Holmes, a speaker and teacher from St. Luke "Community" UMC of Dallas, will share key learnings about preaching including how to be a listening preacher. This "Preaching for Renewal" event is Aug. 5 at Sulphur Springs UMC, Jonesborough, Tenn., from 9 a.m. to 12:30pm. For more information contact Caryl Griffin 423-928-2156. A brochure with registration information is available HERE.

Wesley & the Poor: Scheduled Oct. 6-8, 2003, at Tennessee Wesleyan College, this seminar explores John Wesley's understanding of the poor and the call of the church to be in ministry to the poor. Leaders: Dr. Richard Heitzenrater, Bishop Kenneth Carder, and Dr. Phil Ott. Brochure will soon be available on-line, or contact Caryl Griffin for more information.

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Who Was That Young Speaker at Annual Conference?

Martee Buchanan, director at Radford University's Wesley Foundation, reports that several Annual Conference participants have inquired about the speaker who told of how he has been blessed by the foundation. A native of Ghana, Kwabena Osei-sarpong is still in need of $15,000 to finish his undergraduate degree by January 2005. "We are desperate for any help we can get," Buchanan says. To offer assistance or for more information, contact Buchanan or Osei-sarpong.

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Mission Team Heads for Cuba

In March 2004, Holston's Volunteers in Mission Team will take a group of workers to Cuba. Persons interested in participating should contact the Rev. Mike Feely (email) by Sept. 1 or (423) 698-6951.

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Move Over, Jerry Lewis

On Oct. 12, the General Board of Global Ministries will broadcast its first mission telethon, "In Mission Together for Christ and the World." The show begins at 7:30 p.m. in Ryman Auditorium (the first home of the Grand Ol' Opry), Nashville, Tenn. The Holston Conference missions office seeks volunteers who wish to participate in the telethon. For more information, contact Bill Daugherty (email) or (865) 690-4080.

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Get Your Grant Money Here

The Shared Mission Focus on Young People is accepting grant applications through Nov. 15 from United Methodist ministries concentrating on young people 12-30 years old. The up-to-$15,000 grants will be awarded to local churches, annual conferences, districts and other groups in the United States and in Central Conferences. Other information is available online at http://www.idreamachurch.com/grants.asp.

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Apportionment Giving Continues to Drop

United Methodist giving to the denomination's apportioned funds, which support the bulk of churchwide programs, dropped 3.3 percent in the first six months of this year, according to the General Council on Finance and Administration. Meanwhile in Holston Conference, apportionment receipts through June 30, 2003, dropped 2.3 percent compared to the first six months of 2002, according to the conference treasurer's office. For the complete United Methodist News Service report, go to http://www.holstonconference.com/thecall/world.html.

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How Would J.K. Tell It?

"We're missing something if we can't tell stories from the Bible as compelling as Harry Potter." – John Fleming, pastor of First UMC in Henrietta, Texas, in a Time magazine article about the most recent installment of the popular book series by J.K. Rowling.


Looking for announcements from previous news briefs?
They're now available online by date:
July 2, 2003
June 25, 2003
June 18, 2003
June 4, 2003
May 28, 2003
May 14, 2003


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