
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for August 31:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – U.S. poverty on the rise @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Another rush to aid hurricane victims

As the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina is revealed, Holston's connectional ministries office is rushing to provide information on how churches can participate in the emergency effort.

In addition to providing financial support for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), church members may assemble flood buckets or participate on work teams. Get details here.

Parishioners are also encouraged to lift up prayers for hurricane victims. Worship resources are available on the General Board of Discipleship's web page with meditations and scripture readings related to hurricanes.

Visit UMCOR's hurricane relief page

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Important to-do list from our youth ministries office

The youth ministries office makes the following announcements:

Visit the Holston youth site

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Holston responds to appeal for Russian seminary

Churches are asked to consider a contribution of 45 cents per member to raise $50,000 for the Russian Theological Seminary of Moscow, Bishop James Swanson's office recently announced. Holston will join other United Methodist conferences by taking special offerings between now and Sept. 30.

Read The Call's article about the appeal

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Wesley House, Wesley Foundation: They need your help

Two Holston-related agencies with the same first name request your presence at their fall fundraisers.

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Have you seen the new commericals?

The United Methodist Church began airing its newest television commercial on Monday, inviting millions of Americans to join in a journey of faith.

The spot, titled "The Journey," is the newest element of the denomination's advertising and welcoming ministry. The commercial is airing on 18 cable networks, including three Hispanic networks, Aug. 29 through the week of Sept. 18. The denomination is paying $2 million for the advertising time.

Read more about the latest advertising campaign

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Pat's 'misguided statement': Who said that?

"On the basis of the Bible, the spirit of Jesus Christ, and Christian tradition, I urge Rev. Robertson publicly to apologize and renounce his misguided statement."

--Bishop Peter D. Weaver, president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, calling on televangelist Pat Robertson to apologize for suggesting the United States "take out" Venezuela President Hugo Chavez. Robertson later apologized.

Read the United Methodist News Service report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

"Preaching in the 21st Century," featuring Bishop James Swanson, on Oct. 4

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.