
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for December 21:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Doll Donations for Christmas @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Special appeal to offset high heating bills

Bishop James Swanson has received a direct appeal from Gov. Phil Bredesen for churches in Tennessee to assist with home heating bills this winter.

“The state will receive $21 million from the federal government for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program -- not nearly enough to keep our most vulnerable citizens warm,” said Anne Travis, director of connectional ministries.

Tennessee churches of all denominations are each asked to contribute $100 to assist the state in helping low-income persons with heating costs – currently estimated to be 50 to 125 percent higher this year than in previous years. Donations may be made at www.WarmHomesTN.com or by mailing to: Operation Warm Homes TN, (CFMT), P.O. Box 440225, Nashville, TN 37244.

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UMCOR requests more relief supplies from churches

The United Methodist Committee on Relief’s Sager Brown Depot needs relief supplies to help meet the high and ongoing demand for disaster aid in the United States and around the world. According to Interim Director Ted Warnock, school kits, layettes, flood buckets, sewing kits, health kits, and hand towels are currently in greatest demand.

Learn more from the UMCOR web site

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Year-end apportionments: Due on Jan. 6

Money for 2005 apportionments must be received in the Knoxville treasurer’s office by Friday, Jan. 6, at 5 p.m., the finance office recently announced. In addition, offerings received on Sunday, Jan. 1, may not be applied to 2005 apportionments.

“Internal Revenue Service contribution rules clearly state that churches should not count gifts physically received on Jan. 1 – even if the check is back-dated,” said the Rev. Clyde McDonald, conference treasurer. However, checks postmarked by Dec. 31 and arriving by mail after Jan. 1 may be applied to 2005 apportionments.

Read more in The Call

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Coming next month: More hurricane-relief training

Church members who wish to lead or participate on work teams for hurricane relief in Mississippi are encouraged to attend a training session at the Conference Center in Knoxville on Jan. 9 or Jan. 12, both from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, call the connectional ministries office toll-free at (866) 690-4080 or locally at (865) 690-4080.

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Wanted: 200,000 balls, Frisbees, and hackey sacks

“Have a Ball” is a ministry effort by Holston youth, children, and young adults to provide 200,000 balls, hackey sacks, and Frisbees to Sudanese refugee children and youth. Each person attending the Resurrection youth retreat in Gatlinburg, Tenn., is asked to bring 18 deflated balls (soccer and volleyballs), hackey sacks, or Frisbees to the Friday night sessions on Jan. 13 or Jan. 20. Also bring $5 per person to help with shipping costs. The conference goal of 200,000 is based on the projected number of refugees that will arrive at UMCOR’s Resettlement Camp in southern Sudan.

Download a flyer for more information

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Tell the president: Who said that?

"It is the church's duty to tell the president, and all who would condone torture while claiming to be Christ's disciple, that they must make a choice: to follow Christ or to abandon Christ."

—The Rev. Mike Macdonald, pastor of Broad Street United Methodist Church in Mooresville, N.C., in a United Methodist News Service "Commentary."

Read the UMNS commentary now

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Ministers' Convocation: Feb. 20-23

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.