
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 14:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – A Bicycling Bishop @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: New necessities for hurricane victims

Earlier this week, the conference missions office announced a "second wave" of items needed for victims of Hurricane Katrina. The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) has asked Holston Conference to begin collecting single-bed air mattresses, new undergarments, paper products, diapers, and women's hygiene products.

Several trucks full of supplies have already been dispatched for UMCOR's Sager Brown Depot. But Holston will continue to collect supplies and respond in other ways in the months ahead.

For updates on needed supplies, district drop-off points, work-team development, and other relief efforts, visit http://hurricanerelief.holston.org.

Sign up for special Katrina response e-news

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Bishop Swanson asks for ongoing support

In a Sept. 12 episcopal letter to members of the Holston Conference, Bishop James Swanson asked for "ongoing support and help for some years to come." Swanson has also written a sermon for Holston pastors to use, "What Do You Do When There is No Bread?"

Read the letter or download the sermon

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Download a Sunday bulletin insert

A Sunday bulletin insert has been created to help explain Holston's Katrina response to your parishioners. This latest edition contains the updated list of needs that are mentioned above.

Download the insert now

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Resource: How to handle the related stress

The Rev. Gary Mauldin, Holston's pastoral counselor, has prepared information for pastors and local churches who may be ministering to people suffering from hurricane-related stress.

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Use this email address for hurricane-relief questions

The conference office has set up an e-mail address for church members to ask Katrina-related questions and to report what their churches are doing in response. Church members are also asked to use this email address to report on any work teams they may be assembling. .

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Colleges step up to aid hurricane victims

Hiwassee College and Tennessee Wesleyan College are joining in the effort to aid hurricane victims in unique ways.

Hiwassee, in Madisonville, Tenn., has offered to assist students whose academic programs have been interrupted by the hurricane. The college will enroll students to the extent of the institution's unused capacity, waiving room charges. More info.

Tennessee Wesleyan, in Athens, is hosting a "Kamping for Katrina" fundraiser on behalf of the American Red Cross. On Sept. 16 beginning at 5 p.m., volunteers will accept cash, checks, canned goods, and school supplies. More info.

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Now for something a little different: Chili

Camp Wesley Woods announces its Second Annual Chili Cook-Off Fundraiser, scheduled for four nights in four districts. Scout groups, Sunday school classes, youth groups, and adult groups are encouraged to participate.

Dates and locations:

* Oct. 26: First Maryville UMC
* Nov. 2: First Jefferson City UMC
* Nov. 6: Kern Memorial UMC
* Nov. 9: Fountain City UMC

Visit Wesley Woods' site for an entry form

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'Hearts' has come and gone: Who said that?

"Don't let anyone take your church away. It's your church, too."

--Bishop Melvin Talbert, retired bishop and executive director of Black Methodists for Church Renewal, during a plenary session at the "Hearts on Fire" Reconciling Ministries Network event at Lake Junaluska, N.C., Sept. 2-5.

Read the UMNS report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

"The Gathering," a Native American Ministries event Sept. 24-25

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.