
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 7:

Wednesday on the Web
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TOP STORY: Holston launches massive relief effort

Holston churches stepped up to join the nation's Hurricane Katrina relief effort this week, collecting bottled water, blankets, and health kits in an outpouring of love and concern for displaced Gulf Coast residents.

"I am already overjoyed at the response of the people of the Holston Conference," Bishop James Swanson stated in a Sept. 6 episcopal letter. This special edition of "Holston Conference News Briefs" provides links to Swanson's letter as well as crucial information about how churches can help.

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Bishop James Swanson's episcopal letter

"I send to you grace and peace from God our Creator, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter ..."

Read the letter

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Wanted: Water, blankets, and health kits

Holston Conference is currently focusing on collecting health kits, bottled water, and blankets. Consult this list for your district's collection point.

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Health kits: An easy list of items

Here's what you should pack into each UMCOR health kit.
View list

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Also wanted: Donations of money for UMCOR

One hundred percent of the money that you give to UMCOR is used for relief efforts. Here's how to donate.

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Download this insert for your Sunday bulletin

A Sunday bulletin insert, with information about how your church can participate in Holston's relief effort, is provided here.

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Resource: How to handle the related stress

The Rev. Gary Mauldin, Holston's pastoral counselor, has prepared information for pastors and local churches who may be ministering to people suffering from hurricane-related stress.

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How to get more information

Some Holston churches are already hosting displaced persons from the Gulf Coast, and other churches may soon follow. Holston will be sending other supplies and work teams in the affected area in the weeks and months ahead. Here's how to stay informed of the conference's ongoing response to the disaster:

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Numbers: Once again, the UMC delivers

United Methodists and others have contributed $1.7 million through online and telephone donations to the United Methodist Committee on Relief in response to Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. The figure, last updated in the early afternoon of Sept. 6, does not include contributions sent by mail or made through local church offerings, according to United Methodist News Service.

Read the UMNS report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

"Preaching in the 21st Century," featuring Bishop James Swanson, on Oct. 4

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.