Reading List
What books are lying on the nightstands of these Holston ministers?
James Bennington
Pastor, Grove UMC Radford, Va.
"Revolution in Leadership: Training Apostles for Tomorrow's Church," by Reggie McNeal (editor) & Lyle E. Schaller
Kim Goddard
Director, Wesley Institute Johnson City, Tenn.
"The Poor and the People Called Methodists: 1729-1999," by Richard P. Heitzenrater (editor)
"Calling & Character: Virtues of the Ordained Life," byWilliam H. Willimon
"The Book of God," by Walter Wangerin Jr.
Frank “Buzz” Trexler
Pastor, Green Meadow UMC Alcoa, Tenn.
"The Pursuit of God," by A.W. Tozer & James L. Snyder Reading List