
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for December 8:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Countiss commentary: Oh, please, not ‘Amazing Grace’ again @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Stroud loses lesbian clergywoman case

A United Methodist clergywoman in Eastern Pennsylvania Conference has lost her ministerial credentials, pending appeal, after a church trial court found her to be a "self-avowed practicing homosexual."

Irene Elizabeth "Beth" Stroud, the Philadelphia clergywoman whose sexual orientation led to a Dec. 2 guilty verdict by a church trial court, had not expected to win her case, but she expressed hope afterward "that in time and through God's spirit, the United Methodist Church will change its Discipline."

 Look for Bishop James Swanson's response to the verdict in the upcoming Dec. 17 issue of The Call.

 In the meantime, read United Methodist News Service (UMNS) coverage

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Faith-based communicators object to gay ad refusal

Faith-based communicators object to gay ad refusal A nationwide group of faith-based communicators has added their voice to challenge the refusal of the CBS and NBC television networks to air a message from the United Church of Christ.

The statement, drafted by Communication Commission of the National Council of Churches USA, calls the networks actions "arbitrary" and contrary to the principals of freedom of speech and equal access to media.

The two networks have refused to run the commercial because the all-inclusive message "implies acceptance of gay and lesbian couples," according to the United Church of Christ.

Read the UMNS story

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New Year's youth mission: Souper Bowl of Caring

For 15 years, churches and youth groups have joined in collecting cans and funds for the hungry on Super Bowl Sunday. The next "Souper Bowl of Caring" is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 6. A "Youth Service Blitz" is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 5.

Find out how easy it is to participate

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M J. Ellsworth Kalas to lead workshop in Knoxville

The Knoxville District Ministry Leadership Team presents Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas in a three-day workship and workshop entitled, "Sharing the Gospel Story: Preaching From the Soul."

The Knoxville District Ministry Leadership Team presents Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas in a three-day workship and workshop entitled, "Sharing the Gospel Story: Preaching From the Soul."

Cost is $25 per person. Pre-registration is required by Jan. 4. For more information, call (865) 470-7005.

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Order materials now: Human Relations Day on Jan. 16

Human Relations Day on Jan. 16 is one of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church. Our offerings on this day provide a secure foundation for God's children of all ages. Congregations are urged to give generously on Human Relations Day, the Sunday before the birthday observance of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Download posters, bulletin inserts and more

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Numbers: Technology only gets you so far: Who said that?

"The effectiveness of a church can never be measured by its access to modern techology or its ability to compete with popular culture. If that were the case, our brothers and sisters from China to Mozambique wouldn't stand a chance. (And let's face it: Their growth numbers are looking a little better than ours.)"

-- Matt Green, author of Ministries Today's most recent "Tools of the Trade" column
Read Matt Green's column

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March 20-22:Jubilation’ retreat for older adults

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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