
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for October 27:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – 8 favorite web sites of Holston clergy @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: As Christians, how should we vote?

As election day approaches on Nov. 2, Bishop Ken Carder makes the following observations in a United Methodist News Service commentary: "Some preachers claim they know exactly what Christians are to do. Several piously political Republicans have announced God's endorsement of the incumbent. They contend that President Bush's stand on specific 'hot button' issues and his public testimony to being 'a born-again Christian' clearly show divine anointing for a second term.

"But other religious leaders are equally certain, though likely more subtle and less vocal, that John Kerry and John Edwards are God's choices to lead the country. They cannot conceive of God choosing 'conservative' Bush and Dick Cheney over 'liberal' Kerry and Edwards. 

"What's a Christian to do?"

Read Carder’s commentary

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United Methodist Student Day is coming on Nov. 28

United Methodist Student Day is one of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church. Student Day is commemorated with an offering that funds scholarships for Holston college students as well as others in the denomination.

Download a bulletin insert or worship resources

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United Methodist Men: Fired up about upcoming events

Jim Ball, president of Holston Conference's United Methodist Men, has announced upcoming events that he hopes church members will participate in.

On Nov. 20, church members are invited to attend an executive committee meeting at Munsey Memorial UMC in Johnson City at 10 a.m. On Feb. 26, the conference men will sponsor a "Day With Bishop Swanson" at First Morristown UMC at 9 a.m. More information will be provided soon.

Denomination's UMM web site

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Considering Emory & Henry? Open House on Oct. 30

Prospective students and their families are invited to tour the campus and meet professors and students during an Emory & Henry Open House on Saturday, Oct. 30. Registration begins at 9 a.m. in Memorial Chapel. Prospective students are also invited to a 1 p.m. home football game against Catholic University.

Reservations may be made by e-mail or by calling (800) 848-5493.

Emory & Henry's web site

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Apply now for summer home-repair ministry

Emory Service Project is accepting applications from teams of youth and adults for the 2005 work week, set for July 3-9.

The home-repair ministry, sponsored by Emory UMC, serves low-income residents of Southwest Virginia. Room and board are provided at Emory & Henry College with opportunities for fellowship, study and worship. For more information or for an application, call (276) 944-6842.

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Numbers: What's is Holston's ethnic membership?

Of 168,121 total members in the Holston Conference, 97.95 percent are Caucasian. Only 1.72 percent are African-American, .14 percent are Hispanic, and .13 percent are Asian.

Wytheville District has the highest perentage of African-American members, with 3.72 percent. District with the smallest percentage of African-American members? Maryville, with .08 percent -- or 10 out of 13,251 total members.

Source: Statistician's office

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Nov. 20: ‘Conversations About Racism’ at Gray UMC (pdf)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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