
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for November 10:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Cantrell represents Holston in South Africa @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Pastors use web to reach unchurched

For busy pastors, the Internet can close the gap and open the door to the unchurched, according to a recent UMC.org report.

"We estimate that between 70 and 80 percent of our current growth is from the unchurched," says the Rev. James Emory White, pastor at Mecklenburg Community Church of Charlotte, N.C.

The North Carolina congregation reached out to 75,000 in October with a direct mail and Internet-based evangelism campaign inviting all to submit their biggest questions about Christianity online and come hear the answers at church. The campaign generated Sunday crowds and news stories both on TV and in the newspaper.

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Hiwassee announces Open House on Nov. 13

Hiwassee College invites prospective students and their parents to an Open House on Saturday, Nov. 13.

The day's activities begin at 10 a.m. with registration and a faculty fair. For more information or to register, contact Jamie Williamson, director of admission, at (423) 420-1891 or e-mail .

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Don't forget to register for Divine Rhythm

For the first time, organizers of Divine Rhythm have set a registration deadline. The popular spiritual event for young adults will be held Jan. 21-23 at Country Tonite Theatre in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. The registration deadline is Dec. 10.

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Grants available for racial and multi-ethnic ministries

The General Board of Church and Society welcomes requests for funding from diverse racial and ethnic United Methodist constituencies.

The "2005 Ethnic Local Church Grants" will be awarded to creative, new ministries that strengthen racial and multi-ethnic churches to do social justice education, connect mercy and justice, engage in public policy advocacy and provide leadership development. Applications are due Jan. 10, 2005.

Download the application

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J. Ellsworth Kalas in Knoxville in January

The Knoxville District Ministry Leadership Team presents Dr. J. Ellsworth Kalas in a three-day worship-and-workshop entitled "Sharing the Gospel Story: Preaching From the Soul."

The event begins with worship services at Faith and Kodak United Methodist churches on Sunday, Jan. 9, and continues through Tuesday, Jan. 11. Kalas is the author of several books and professor of preaching at Asbury Theological Seminary.

Cost is $25 per person. Pre-registration is required by Jan. 4. For more information, call (865) 470-7005.

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Numbers: 'The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed'

The number of inmates in state and federal prisons rose 2.1 percent last year, according to a recent study by the Justice Department.

Alfred Blumstein, a criminologist, said that one of the most striking findings was that almost 10 percent of all American black men ages 25 to 29 were in prison.

Statistically, the number of women in prison is growing fast, rising 2.3 percent. But they are just 6.9 percent of the prison population, the report stated. Experts also noted that the prison population is aging: Middle-aged inmates, 40 to 54, account for about half of the increase in the prison population.

Source: The New York Times, Nov. 8 edition

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Nov. 20:Conversations About Racism’ at Gray UMC

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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