
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for October 20:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Hey, it works for Oprah: The church & marketing @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Holston gears up for racism dialogue

Three ministry groups are joining to sponsor a conference-wide dialogue on racism on Saturday, Nov. 20, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Gray UMC in Johnson City District.

Featuring Bishop James Swanson as keynote speaker, the dialogue is entitled, "Conversations About Racism: Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. Really?" he event is sponsored by the Religion and Race Committee, Outreach Advocacy Team, and Wesley Institute.

Register by calling the Wesley Institute at (423) 928-2156 or e-mail Bonnie Cox.

Download flyer

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How involved can the church be in election season?

Did you know that a church CAN meet with candidates for public office? However, a church CANNOT participate in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. A recent Interpreter magazine article provides information on political activity concerning nonprofit organizations, as well as a short quiz.

Read the Interpreter article

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Hiwassee presents Bill Landry at homecoming festival

Hiwassee College invites the community to its first annual Homecoming Heritage Festival on Saturday, Nov. 13, beginning at 11 a.m. The festival features WBIR-TV's Bill Landry, bluegrass icon Tim Graves, crafts exhibits and more. Admission is free. The college is located in Madisonville, Tenn.

Visit Hiwassee’s site for more information:

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Historical Society meets Oct. 23 in Jonesborough

The fall meeting of the Holston Conference Historical Society will be held on Saturday, Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m. at Jonesborough UMC in Johnson City District. Topics include history of the hosting church and a presentation on Bishop Elijah E. Hoss, one of seven clergy from Holston elected to the episcopacy. For more information, contact the Rev. Roy Howard at (423) 867-3775.

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Church Street hosts biblical lectures from Acts

Jim Fleming returns to Church Street UMC for the 8th consecutive year to present a series of biblical lectures on this year's theme, "Principles of Guidance from Acts." The series begins on Friday, Nov. 12, and concludes on Sunday, Nov. 14. Church Street is located in Knoxville, Tenn.

For more information, visit Church Street's site or call (865) 524-3048.

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Put that taco down: Who said that?

"When we know of an injustice and as long as the injustice is occurring, then we can eat a taco somewhere else."

-- The Rev. Brian Taylor, senior pastor at Munsey Memorial UMC, regarding a United Methodist boycott of Taco Bell.

Read The Call’s Oct. 22 articles about UM boycotts

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Nov. 3: Deadline for Youth Service Fund grant application

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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