
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for October 13:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Religion & politics – an explosive mix @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: How to improve your hospitality skills

Basic training in the United Methodist Church's welcoming and television ministry will become accessible to nearly every congregation with the launch of a new online course. "Igniting Ministry 101" begins this week and will continue through Nov. 30. Enrollees may work through the course's four modules at their own pace, while learning how their churches can spruce up welcoming skills and benefit from TV advertising. Cost is $12 per student.

Learn more about UMCom training opportunities

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As election process gets nastier, better pray

Seeking to help voters decide prayerfully in one of the most negative presidential campaigns in history, the General Board of Discipleship is releasing "A Guide to Prayer for the 2004 National Election." The new online guide costs $2.50 to download as a PDF.

Download the guide now

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October is hot for Wesley Institute

The Wesley Institute is in the midst of its busy season, offering numerous training opportunities for clergy and lay members. On Oct. 17, First Farragut UMC will host "The Presence-Based Church," a prayer seminar with Terry Tekyl. On Oct. 27, Tennessee Wesleyan College will host "Wesley & Stewardship," a three-day workshop.

For more opportunities, registration deadlines, and details, e-mail Caryl Griffin.

Wesley Institute’s upcoming events

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Is it time to change your worship service?

Two groups within the United Methodist Church have recently provided new resources for church leaders considering changes in worship experiences. United Methodist Publishing House's new "Worship Connection" includes a web site, specialty catalogs, and teaching conferences. The General Board of Discipleship has posted a new article on its Center for Worship Resourcing site, "When It's Time to Change Worship," by John Middleton.

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Order The Call for parishioners at reduced rates

The Commission on Communications recently approved reduced subscription rates in an effort to provide the conference newspaper for more church members. The commission dropped subscription rates from $15 a year to $13 for local churches that will give The Call as a gift to new members. Reduced rates (up to 77 percent off) are also available for churches that will order copies in bulk for their parishioners. For more information, e-mail Millie Meese.

The Call's online subscription order form

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Not a chargeable offense: Who said that?

"The weddings were declared legal, they were not prohibited at that time by the Book of Discipline and were an act of equal justice."

Jeff Friant, lay leader at California's Bethany UMC, following the resolution of a complaint against a United Methodist pastor for performing a gay marriage. The 2004 General Conference officially made performing same-sex marriages a chargeable offense. However, the 2000 Book of Discipline was in force at the time of the February 2004 complaint.

Read the UMNS report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Nov. 3: Deadline for Youth Service Fund grant application

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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