
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for October 6:

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TOP STORY: The Call drops rates for new readers

In its annual meeting on Oct. 5, the Commission on Communications approved reduced subscription rates in an effort to provide The Call for new church members.

Led by the Rev. Larry Trotter, chair, the commission dropped subscription rates from $15 a year to $13 each for local churches that will give the conference newspaper as a gift to incoming members. The goal is to welcome newcomers as well as educate them about Holston Conference and the United Methodist Church. 

Learn more about reduced subscription rates for churches

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Y’all sing now:  Laity Sunday on Oct. 17

This year's Laity Sunday theme is "One in Spirit, All in Ministry: All God's People Singing the Song and Living the Life." Suggested hymns for Laity Sunday worship, according to the General Board of Discipleship, include "O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing" and "Spirit of the Living God."

Download a Laity Sunday poster & get more ideas

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Your church wants to help hurricane victims?

Leaders of First Knoxville UMC invite area congregations to help them fill a truck with supplies bound for hurricane victims in Orlando, Fla. The truck leaves on Monday, Oct. 11. In the meantime, Holston members may call Deb Krumnacher at (865) 525-0435 to schedule an appointment to drop off supplies. Nonperishable foods, tarp, plastic, and money are needed.

Update on Holston's hurricane-relief efforts

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Asbury invites you to ‘laugh all the way home’

Asbury Place of Maryville invites Holston members to an Oct. 28 workshop, "Laughing All the Way Home: Using Humor as a  Therapeutic Approach in Ministry." The workshop features as speaker the Rev. Michael Williams, Nashville-area preacher and storyteller. Cost: $25 including lunch. For more information, call Bob Hayes at (865) 984-1660.

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How to tap into scholarships from the UMC

Last year, the United Methodist Church awarded $4.38 million in scholarships to 3,281 recipients and $1.6 million in loans to 666 recipients. A recent <i>Interpreter</i> magazine article lists scholarships, specifics, and contact numbers.

 Read the article

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The tensions must be addressed: Who said that?

"He asserted 'the unity of the Church is gradually beginning to suffer' as a result of significant tensions. He observed the impact of new and unfamiliar interpretations of the Scriptures to the confusion of many faithful Christians."

-- From a statement of unity recently adopted by leaders of the World Methodist Council, warning that churches must seriously address tensions around issues of human sexuality.

Read the United Methodist News Service report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Oct. 19: Deadline for ‘Exodus Experience’ (PDF)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.