
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for February 9:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Bishop Swanson speaks up for Black History Month @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Tsunami money soars to $403,112

Holston churches continue to give generously to tsunami relief, inspiring Bishop James Swanson to make a statement in the Feb. 11 edition of The Call.

"The amount of money given to this effort is a testimony to the genuine Christian spirit of the Holston Conference," Swanson said, "especially when you reflect on the fact that this took place after the Christmas season."

As of Feb. 8, Holston churches had given $403,112 to tsunami relief through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). The total rises daily and will be updated frequently at www.holston.org.

To give to tsunami relief, write a check to your local church, designating "Tsunami Disaster Relief" on the memo line. Make credit-card donations online or call (800) 554-8583.

UMNS report: UMCOR starts relief in Indonesia 

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God, why? Teachings from the tsunamis

United Methodists may pre-order a new two-session resource designed to help them understand God's activity in the midst of natural disasters.

"God, Why? Teachings From the Tsunamis" is a study CD/DVD and collection of resources produced by United Methodist Communications. The product will not be available until March 2 or later.

Learn more and pre-order online

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Need hymns for Black History Month?

February is observed as Black History Month. The United Methodist Hymnal contains many hymns, songs, spirituals, choruses, prayers, litanies, Psalm settings, and other worship resources by African Americans and many resources from Africa.

Visit this General Board of Discipleship site for a list

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Yikes! Last-minute worship help for Ash Wednesday

The General Board of Discipleship also provides preaching resources for tonight's Ash Wednesday service ... in case you're one of those live-on-the-edge kind of preachers.

Ash Wednesday worship resources

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Last call for Ministers’ Convocation: Feb. 14-17

Although we know you relish spending Valentine's Day with your colleagues, clergy are encouraged to attend Ministers' Convocation, held Feb. 14-17 at Lake Junaluska, N.C. This year's theme is "Empowering Leadership," and 2 Continuing Educations Units (CEUs) are available. Speakers include Lovett H. Weems, professor of church leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary.

Register now

 Clergy: If you won't be attending, look for an e-mail next week concerning future events. We want your input as soon as you receive the survey.

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Temptation is a click away: Who said that?

"We're so busy rushing to and from, and messaging back and forth, that we barely have time to catch our moral breath. In this context, the World Wide Web becomes a temptation as much as a solution."

--Quentin J. Schultze, professor of communication at Calvin College, in a recent UMC.org feature, "Is the World Wide Web Changing Our Ethics?"

Read the complete article

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March 4-6: ‘Discovery’ for young people exploring ministry (Early-bird deadline: Feb. 9)

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.