
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for February 16:

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TOP STORY: Ministers attend convocation this week

More than 260 ministers were registered and others were still walking in earlier this week, as the 2005 Ministers' Convocation is held Feb. 14-17 in Lake Junaluska, N.C., this week.

Clergy members gathered in workshops led by colleagues such as the Rev. David St. Clair (pictured). They also heard lectures by the Rev. Lovett Weems of Wesley Theological Seminary and spent time in fellowship. For a report, see the upcoming Feb. 25 edition of The Call.

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Clergywomen wanted for writings and participation

On the 50th anniversary of full clergy rights for women in the United Methodist Church, Holston clergywomen are preparing for a special commemorative event on March 7.

Bishop James Swanson will join with clergywomen for "Conversation & Celebration" at First White Pine United Methodist Church on Monday, March 7, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The agenda includes a luncheon and worship. Registration deadline is Feb. 21. There is no fee.

As part of the celebration, clergywomen are invited to write their reflections based on a set of questions posed by the organizers. The essays are due by Feb. 24 and will be presented at White Pine on March 7.

Learn more about the event and the essays

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Denman Award nominations due by March 14

The Denman Evangelism Award was established in 1980 by The Foundation for Evangelism to recognize and honor pastors and lay persons who are doing the vital work of responsible evangelism in ways that are in keeping with United Methodist history and tradition.

Holston Conference gives one Denman Award each to a lay member and clergy member at Annual Conference in June. Does someone in your church deserve this recognition?

Download an application and nominate by March 14

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Three more Wesley Institute opportunities for you

The Wesley Institute offers the following continuing education events for clergy and laity:

Learn more from the Wesley Institute events page

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Make plans now for Transformation: April 2-3

Bishop James Swanson will speak at Transformation in Lake Junaluska, N.C., April 2-3. This year's theme is "Preaching and Bible Study Based on Romans 12: 1-8."

Transformation is an annual Holston event, sponsored by the Board of Laity and designed to "inspire, cultivate, and renew life in the Spirit," organizers said.

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Proud to be a Methodist: Who said that?

"When I am asked why I am Methodist, without hesitation I reply that the combination of the belief in a personal God and working toward social justice is utterly intoxicating."

--The Rev. Leslie Griffiths, dean of the Wesley Chapel in London, during the denomination's recent "Healthy Churches Transforming the World" conference in Nashville.

Read the United Methodist News Service report

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March 6: One Great Hour of Sharing

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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