
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for March 2:

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TOP STORY: Holston men meet with Bishop in Morristown

In the largest conference gathering of United Methodist Men in four years, 160 participated in the "Day With Bishop Swanson" at First Morristown United Methodist Church on Saturday, Feb. 26. Men representing all 12 districts shared testimonies, worshipped, completed business, and ate Subway sandwiches at the all-day event. "You find a way to get the men back in your church," Swanson challenged participants. For a complete report and Swanson's related column, see the upcoming March 11 edition of The Call.

Visit the conference UMM web page

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Here's what you should pray for on Friday, March 4

The United Methodist Church joins with others in celebrating World Day of Prayer on March 4..

"Let us pray earnestly for the people whose lives are still disrupted by disasters that have faded from the evening news and the front pages," says Susan Thomas in a recent General Board of Global Ministries appeal..

Read more from the General Board of Global Ministries

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Resolutions for Annual Conference: Due by March 31

The Resolutions Committee is accepting resolutions in preparation for Annual Conference, to be held June 12-15 in North Carolina. Here is a resolution definition:

A resolution is a statement to effect change in policies, procedures, or practices of an annual conference. A resolution may address an issue that the author(s) deem to be important. Resolutions should contain both rationale and the desired result. A resolution should focus on one issue or desired change. Resolutions must include the name(s) of those submitting the resolution.

Send resolutions by March 31 to: Committee on Resolutions, Holston Conference, P.O. Box 32939, Knoxville, TN 37930, or by e-mail..

Read more about Annual Conference

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Ladies: Here's a fun way to help Hiwassee College

The Hiwassee College President's Office invites women to a benefits luncheon and fashion show in support of campus beautification on Saturday, March 5. Features include a program by WATE-TV anchor Lori Tucker, live music, a hat contest, and a fashion show. Registration deadline is today, March 2.

Find out more ... and order the study online

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From Frodo's beloved Shire to the terrifying land of Mordor

A new six-week study guide from United Methodist Communications explores the biblical themes running through J.R.R. Tolkien's epic, "The Lord of the Rings" and Peter Jackson's films of the books.

According to the study guide's author, "Lord of the Rings" might be used as a tool -- "to introduce to someone who might be resistant or didn't think they were interested in Christianity or things some would label as 'churchy.'".

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Want to see fragments from a real Dead Sea Scroll?

An exhibition at Knoxville Convention Center is attracting several United Methodist clergy members who say that their colleagues would also be interested. "Ink and Blood: Dead Sea Scrolls to the English Bible" is an extensive exhibition that opened on Feb. 5 and will run through April 17. Tickets are $15 for adults; $12 for senior citizens and students; $8 for children.

Order tickets through the "Ink and Blood" site

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Real men don't go to church: Who said that?

"Christianity's primary delivery system, the local church, is perfectly designed to reach women and older folks. That's why our pews are filled with them. But this church system fails to stir men's hearts, so men (especially masculine ones) stay away."

--David Murrow, author of the soon-to-be-released book, "Why Men Hate Going to Church"

7 tips for creating a man-friendly church

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March 14: Denman Evangelism Award nominations due

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.