
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for September 21:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Rebuild on a Rock of Justice @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Keep collecting supplies for hurricane victims

Following a request by the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Holston Conference is continuing this week in its collection of single-bed air mattresses, new undergarments, paper products, diapers, and women's hygiene products. These items comprise Holston's "second wave" appeal for donations that will help victims of Hurricane Katrina. A new list will be issued next week.

Visit Holston's Katrina page for updates and resources

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Hands-on effort begins: Sign up for work teams

Holston Conference is beginning to assemble work teams to send to the hurricane-affected areas. Individuals, churches, and districts that wish to participate on these teams should contact the conference's emergency-response coordinator, Bonnie Howard, by e-mail or call (865) 458-4943. Training will be required and scheduled soon.

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Download a Sunday bulletin insert

A Sunday bulletin insert has been created to help explain Holston's Katrina response to your parishioners. This latest edition contains the updated list of needs that are mentioned above.

Download the insert now

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Use this email address for hurricane-relief questions

The conference office has set up an e-mail address for church members to ask Katrina-related questions and to report what their churches are doing in response.

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Colleges step up to aid hurricane victims

Hiwassee College and Tennessee Wesleyan College are joining in the effort to aid hurricane victims in unique ways.

Hiwassee, in Madisonville, Tenn., has offered to assist students whose academic programs have been interrupted by the hurricane. The college will enroll students to the extent of the institution's unused capacity, waiving room charges. More info.

Tennessee Wesleyan, in Athens, is hosting a "Kamping for Katrina" fundraiser on behalf of the American Red Cross. On Sept. 16 beginning at 5 p.m., volunteers will accept cash, checks, canned goods, and school supplies. More info.

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World Communion Sunday: Coming on Oct. 2

Observed this year on Oct. 2, World Communion Sunday is one of six Special Sundays in the United Methodist Church. The World Communion Sunday offering provides Ethnic Scholarships for undergraduate students, Crusade Scholarships for international and U.S. racial- and ethnic-minority graduate students, and scholarships for racial- and ethnic-minority persons seeking second careers in church-related vocations.

Find out more and download worship resources

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A precious gift: Who said that?

"Donation of U.S. $20 from the children of Reeves Memorial United Methodist Church to the children of Louisiana, USA, in solidarity with their plight in the wake of the destruction of Hurricane Katrina."

-- A message accompanying a gift from children of Liberia, sent to the children of Louisiana. "In a country where 80 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, $20 is a fortune," explains UMNS reporter Kathy Gilbert.

Read the UMNS commentary

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Children's Sabbath in October

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.