Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for January 26:
exclusive – Is media decency a faith issue? One year after Janet Jackson & the Super Bowl @ holston.org
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TOP STORY: Divine Rhythm does it again
Divine Rhythm, Holston's winter spiritual retreat for young adults, surpassed attendance records and lifted the roof of the County Tonite Theatre with spirited worship sessions.
Held Jan. 21-24 in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., Divine Rhythm was attended by 629 people -- 11 more than in 2004. DR is in its fifth year and is timed to coincide with the second weekend of Resurrection, Holston's popular youth retreat in Gatlinburg.
For a complete report of DR 2005, see the upcoming Feb. 11 edition of The Call. Also coming soon: An online DR photo gallery.
See the photo gallery from Resurrection 2005
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Wanted: Musical groups for Annual Conference 2005
The Annual Conference Worship Planning Committee has extended the deadline for musical groups wishing to participate in Holston's next annual gathering at Lake Junaluska, N.C.
Choirs are invited to submit audiotapes or videotapes featuring two anthems of differing styles. Videotapes from liturgical dance groups and mime troupes are also invited.
Send tapes by Feb. 15 to: Lynn Hutton, 7234 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, TN 37909.
Annual Conference will be held June 12-15.
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If not money, what can you send to tsunami victims?
The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) agrees with other humanitarian agencies that cash donations are the best way to show compassion in the wake of an international tragedy. Although many people want to give "things," money is often the most efficient and expedient means to help.
To give to UMCOR, write a check to your local church, designating "tsunami disaster relief" on the memo line. Make credit-card donations at www.unitedmethodistrelief.org or call (800) 554-8583.
However, there are items that UMCOR is collecting and will send where needed in this disaster: health kits, layette kits, medicine boxes and family shelter.
Find out more about the UMCOR kits
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Four worship services down and only 48 to go
The General Board of Discipleship offers a free 2005 Worship and Music Planning Calendar. The calendar contains lectionary citations, sacred and liturgical days, seasons, civil days, holidays, and observances.
Download the calendar
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One Great Hour of Sharing: Order resources now
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is observed by United Methodists on the fourth Sunday in Lent -- this year, on March 6. The OGHS offering supports ongoing work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR).
Every dollar given to UMCOR goes directly to aid for the affected region. Such 100 percent giving is possible because UMCOR's administrative costs come partly from the OGHS offering.
Order your free OGHS resources now
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Don’t touch that potato salad: Who said that?
"Before this law, it was church potlucks and community senior gatherings that were being shut down. Eventually, the neighborhood Super Bowl party may have been targeted ..."
-- Illinois State Sen. Dan Rutherford, who introduced a bill protecting potluck dinners from state or local government health inspections. The legislation became effective earlier this month, after the local health department shut down a potluck dinner sponsored by the Minonk United Methodist Church seniors.
Read the Peoria Journal Star news article
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Your online calendar: Remember these dates
March 7: Holston Clergywomen's 'Conversation and Celebration' at White Pine UMC
New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.