
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for December 22:

Wednesday on the Web
exclusive – Christmas Eve: 12 welcoming tips @ holston.org

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TOP STORY: Bishop writes about membership vows

"The Meaning of Membership," a short series of columns authored by Bishop James Swanson, will begin in the Jan. 14 edition of The Call.

"Membership in the church can sometimes be presented in such a cavalier fashion that members are never called into a life of discipleship," Swanson says. "I believe a study that highlights the fine print of membership can be a transformational tool."

Swanson's column, "Wings," appears in every issue of The Call, the conference's official newspaper.

Visit Bishop Swanson's web page

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Holston’s financial books close on Jan. 7

The 2004 financial books will close at 5 p.m., Friday, Jan. 7. All 2004 transactions must be received in the conference treasurer's office in Knoxville by that deadline. For more information, call the finance office at (865) 690-4080.

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Summer internships available for ethnic college students

Each year, the General Board of Church and Society hosts 11 ethnic young adult interns for an eight-week summer internship in Washington, D.C. The board is currently receiving applications from candidates between the ages of 18 and 22. Application deadline is Feb. 1.

For more information or to request an application, e-mail Neal Christie at nchristie@umc-gbcs.org or call (202) 488-5611.

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Ministry idea for 2005: Asbury retirement communities

Did you know that Holston Conference has four retirement communities that are in need of United Methodist volunteers? See the Dec. 17 edition of The Call for a list of ways that congregations can minister to the elderly in 2005.

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Planning to see a movie over the Christmas holidays?

Movie reviews are provided regularly at the denomination's web site, UMC.org. Films are viewed through a spiritual lens, as opposed to focusing on the art form itself. Each review includes a study guide, complete with questions and activities for further exploration.

Visit the site now to read reviews on "The Polar Express" and "Finding Neverland."

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Numbers: Here’s where the money goes

According to the "2004 Journal," 39.5 percent of Holston Conference's 2005 budget is allocated for the Board of Pensions/Health Benefits. General/Jurisdictional Apportionments account for 20.1 percent of the budget. Ten percent is reserved for the Cabinet.

Percentage of the 2005 conference budget allotted for Discipleship and Ministry Teams: 6.4 percent.

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

March 4-6:  ‘Discovery’ for young people exploring ministry

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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