
Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for January 4:

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TOP STORY: New appeal for hurricane-impacted conferences

On behalf of the Council of Bishops, Bishop James Swanson is appealing to Holston Conference to help hurricane-impacted annual conferences with clergy compensation, reconstruction of property, and other related needs.

The newly established "Bishops' Appeal for Hurricane Response" will help victims where the United Methodist Committee on Relief cannot, Swanson explained in a recent column. "Many are not aware that UMCOR contributions can not be used to rebuild churches, parsonages, or homes, nor can we use those contributions to pay salaries or to help children enjoy Christmas," he said.

Make checks to your local church or to “Holston Conference,” marking “Bishops’ Appeal #818-001” on the memo line. Donations may be placed in church offering plates or sent to: Holston Conference Treasurer, P.O. Box 32939, Knoxville, TN 37930-2939. (Church treasurers should designate “Project #532, Bishops’ Appeal” on their remittance forms.) You may also donate online at the link below.

Learn more and see a special Bishops' Appeal video

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Preachers: Fresh out of ideas for the New Year?

The General Board of Discipleship offers preaching helps for Human Relations Day, observed this year on Sunday, Jan. 15.

Visit the GBOD site now

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More resources: For Martin Luther King Jr. Day

The General Board of Discipleship also offers 15 links to help your congregation understand Martin Luther King Jr. and how he influenced lives. This year, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is observed on Monday, Jan. 16.

Visit the GBOD site now

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Finance office: Last call for 2005 apportionments

Money for 2005 apportionments must be received in the Knoxville treasurer’s office by Friday, Jan. 6, at 5 p.m., the finance office recently announced. In addition, offerings received on Sunday, Jan. 1, may not be applied to 2005 apportionments.

“Internal Revenue Service contribution rules clearly state that churches should not count gifts physically received on Jan. 1 – even if the check is back-dated,” said the Rev. Clyde McDonald, conference treasurer. However, checks postmarked by Dec. 31 and arriving by mail after Jan. 1 may be applied to 2005 apportionments. For more information, call the finance office at (866) 690-4080.

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Bill Carter seminar at First Jefferson UMC: Feb. 25-26

First Jefferson City UMC invites Holston members to a two-day seminar, "It's Our Bible, Too: A Weekend with Bill Carter." The event begins on Saturday, Feb. 25, at 9 a.m. and concludes at 4 p.m. the next day. Fees: $15 for the entire conference; $10 for Saturday-only attendance; $5 for Saturday lunch. For more information, contact Joe Payne by e-mail or at (865) 475-2827.

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His preaching days aren't over: Who said that?

"I am not retiring."

— The Rev. Robert H. Schuller, who handed over leadership of the Crystal Cathedral to his only son on Sunday, ending a half-century as pastor of the church he started in a California drive-in movie theater and built into a worldwide ministry. At age 79, Schuller has formulated a 20-year-plan that he hopes will culminate with him preaching at age 100.

Read the article in the Los Angeles Times

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Your online calendar: Remember these dates

Ministers' Convocation: Feb. 20-23

New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.

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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.