Today, in Holston Conference News Briefs for January 10:
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TOP STORY: 12,000 will attend Resurrection this month
More than 12,000 youth and counselors are expected to attend Resurrection, the conference's winter spiritual retreat for teenagers, in Gatlinburg this month. Groups representing Holston churches including a few from other United Methodist conferences and denominations will participate in the annual event this weekend (Jan. 12-14) and next (Jan. 19-21).
This year's speaker is John Vermilya of Buckley, Mich. Praise songs will be led by Starfield. See the Jan. 26 issue of The Call for a complete report.
Visit the Resurrection 2007 site
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Register by Jan. 15: Clergywomen's Consultation
Holston clergywomen are urged to join others from the southeast for "Somebody's Calling My Name," an April 23-26 gathering to be held at Epworth by the Sea in St. Simons, Ga. The SEJ Clergywomen's Consultation includes these speakers: Bishop Mary Virginia Taylor, Bishop Hope Morgan Ward, Bishop Charlene Kammerer, Bishop Linda Lee, and Bishop Minerva Carcano.
Register by Jan. 15 to receive a fee discount. Visit the "Somebody's Calling My Name" site for event registration and other details. Visit the Epworth by the Sea site for online room and board registration.
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You'll want to see this: The new UMC Web site
United Methodist Communications has retooled the denomination's Web site, www.UMC.org.
The first large-scale social networking site developed by a mainline denomination, UMC.org's online community has been designed to foster relationships within the global church community and to allow people to connect with the church seven days a week. Research showed the former Web site was not as user-friendly and accessible as the church needs to be, officials said.
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Wish list item #1: Pocket dictionaries for Alton Park
At Alton Park Empowerment Ministry, missionary Lisa Nichols works with children, youth, and families in the St. Elmo community. What does she need for the children served by the after-school program? Besides art supplies and new clothing of all sizes, Alton Park needs 10 Webster pocket-size dictionaries -- "the more entries, the better."
Read the entire "Mission & Ministry Wish List"
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Clergy wives will retreat to Sevierville March 8-10
Holston clergy wives - active, retired, widowed -- are invited to attend the 34th Annual Ministers' Wives Retreat, March 8-10 at Oak Tree Lodge in Sevierville, Tenn. Speakers include the Rev. Kim Goddard and the Rev. Judith Anna. Registration is due Jan. 31. Total cost is $80 per person. Clergy wives who have not received brochures should contact their district offices.
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New event announcements appear here. Visit our upcoming events page for other events. Be sure you have the newest Acrobat Reader or you may not be able to view PDFs.
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This message is from the Holston Conference Communications Office.